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Comment Re:But do we know? (Score 1) 166

Just like Oklahoma has a high density of climate chaos denial too...okies are amazing at their ability to deny anything that isn't happening right in front of them ESPECIALLY when the cause isn't also blindingly obvious. It snows in OK, so there is no "global warming". Earthquakes can be natural, therefor ALL earthquakes are natural. This all stems from a deeply held religion belief that mankind is unable to modify the planet in any significant way. Genesis 8:22: “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” This is the ENTIRE reason Christian fundies say human influenced climate change is impossible, also why human induced earthquakes are impossible. There is no way to prove this to them; no amount of proof can overcome the cult-like environment they have been indoctrinated in since birth. Even if a huge dust bowl formed while the ground itself crumbled from our activities they would STILL claim humans could never do this and it was all God.

Comment Re:But! (Score 1) 407

Honestly it's worth it. My productivity has SOARED, my social interfacing has improved, and I feel "better" as a productive person over-all. I actually pay most of my bills on time, no longer accidentally over draft my accounts, forget various items at various locations...for those of us with structural / chemical brain miswiring it's a life saver. Why not take advantage of the "better living through chemistry"? To me, that's part of the cyberpunk lifestyle. STIMS, CHUMMER. LINE 'EM UP.

Comment Re:How is the delivery made? (Score 1) 213

They could use the existing USPS locations. I can see Amazon forcing the USPS, via lobbyist regulations, to force them to allow drone drop-offs. Amazon could even provide a pre-packaged cargo container "box" that has a small landing pad on top, with the internals containing a track / sort system to push and sort internal packages to road-based drones for the final mile eventually. Since USPS is still technically under federal control and taxpayer "subsidized" this would be the simplest, quickest solution.

Comment Re:How is the delivery made? (Score 1) 213

I would program my drones to home in on house's mailboxes. They are all right next to the street, are all required to fall within certain shape parameters already by USPS. Dropping the package off within X feet of them, using visual algorithms to see were the grass / street / trees that already exists.

Comment Re:This will only not work (Score 1) 213

Around here, people who live close to the airport are really poor anyway and don't have much disposable income for Amazon. And there's no reason there won't be "drop off points" for those areas...the packages being dropped off at a drone ground delivery processing point just outside the 5 mile limit.

Comment Re:Although unused, not useful (Score 1) 213

And with the development of more efficient motors / rotors the noise will go down. Less noise = less friction = more fuel efficiency, so the noise should drop the better the tech gets. Eventually we'll see blades made with "bizarre" edges 3D printed out, edges designed for maximum flow and noise.

Comment Re:Although unused, not useful (Score 1) 213

"costs more than a truck with a driver". Are you sure? Where is your math? Amazon will have a central "flight center", technical schools will start offering single semester "drone flight" classes for 2 and 3 year pilot programs; possibly an entire degree program including maintenance and repair.. Here in Tulsa we have Spartan (yes, the same school the 9/11 guys trained at lol)...Amazon could easily set up a flight center on the airport property and hire students on shift work, interns, hire graduates, etc. We already have tons of call centers here; the city of Jenks would JUMP at the opportunity to pull something like that here. It would be a win-win for all.

Eventually the "big boys" will jump on this too. I work doing ITSM for AA / USAIR / etc, there's little stopping integrating drones into M&E and all the other backend systems. Well, other than the FAA moving at a snails pace.

Comment Re:Seems like this will work... (Score 1) 213

Like maybe a smartphone? There will probably be some app, "Your delivery is nearby, please go outside to receive" that then homes in on you. And drops the package on your head, then "accidentally" eviscerates you with it's giant blades. But remember, The Computer is your Friend. Trust the Computer.

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