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Comment Could be a death blow for vast areas of the ocean (Score 3, Interesting) 154

Everyone ignores the obvious downside of hydrates. The are stored in the sands at the bottom of the ocean so it means effectively strip mining huge tracks of the ocean to recover them. The ecosystem of the ocean is dependent on the ocean floor and reefs both of which would be devastated by this kind of exploitation. There's also the issue of the dirt thrown into the water column choking fish. The oceans are badly stressed as it is so dredging most of the remaining ocean could be what collapses what's left of the fisheries.

Comment Re:Oh? (Score 3, Insightful) 330

This kind of reminds me of Michael Keaton's character in "Multiplicity" wherein he says "You know how when you make a copy of a copy, it's not as sharp as... well... the original." Each iteration of the "<insert adjective> Leader" gets a little less stable than its predecessor. Given this one's extreme youth and actions thus far, I wonder if we will ever see round 4 of this franchise.

I somehow doubt that someone of his age and inexperience is really in charge. I suspect Kim Jong Un is really a figurehead while North Korea is being run by the top brass of their army.

He seems to have had enough power to cut phone lines with the south and break a 60 year old treaty and place them in a condition of war. He may be a five year old with his daddy's gun but he's still holding a gun that looks like a couple of nukes and a large army.

Comment The ameteurish horror film (Score 1) 109

Sorry but it is tiresome, I constantly hear how much better fan movies are than Hollywood movies but they always have the same problems, lousy script and terrible acting. There have been a few exceptions but even Iron Sky had the problem of a brilliant concept that they didn't know what to do with and they had a substantial budget and lots of free labor. Also camp films are played straight not played for laughs. It's the ridiculous qualities that make them camp not over the top acting. Fan movies will only come into their own when people take them seriously enough to put the effort into making them professional. A few sneak through like Primer. All it really involved were a couple guys and a camera with generic locations. The story got too confusing but otherwise it was good. One of my favorite films in the last ten years was something called "The Man From Earth". It's on Netflix and highly recommended. The whole film involves a group of middle aged friends in a cabin talking. The actors were unknowns but the script was brilliant. Pure storytelling. It was the last thing Jerome Bixby ever wrote, one of my favorite writers. Can't write? Here's a thought, there's an ocean of classic novels and short stories that are public domain. Don't try to "fix" them just lift the dialogue directly and the story is all there. Most of the public domain works don't involve expensive production values like sets and special effects. Look at Lovecraft. He rarely shows anything in his stories they are often all sounds and mood and yet no one has tried to do a literal adaptation. There are hundreds of others he's just an example. I never understood people taking a brilliant story and trying to fix it. I saw one lately based on the Call of Cthulhu only they tried to do it as a silent film. The opening titles were excellent so I was excited. Sadly it was all in video and little was attempted to make it look silent. I fast forwarded to the end to see what they did for the big ending. Probably the best attempt in the movie. Big cheesy sets which weren't a problem but the goofy animation kind of stood out. It did get me thinking about doing a modern silent movie. Sadly it begs to be shot with an old hand crank camera. There are ways to mimic the degraded film look. I read something a while back of a guy who took some badly scratched up white leader and had it scanned and used it as an overlay which worked really well to get dust and scratches. Just find some one to scan a minute or two of damaged leader and just either comp it in After Effects or even try keying out the white in your editing software. A vignette mask is easy enough to make it's mimicing the speed changes and jumping, the oid stock had oddly sized sprocket holes making it unsteady. Just a thought but if you don't have money be inventive and creative and if you can't write borrow a classic. There are thousands of brilliant short stories and novels free for the taking just have the sense to leave them alone. If you can't write a script then it's unlikely you can improve a classic. One of my favorite film quotes is from Magnum Force, "A good man knows his limitations". There's nothing wrong with not being able to write but a good film makers knows his strengths and weaknesses. Even pros have used iPhones and Canon still cameras to shoot professional films so put the effort into learning how to do it right. Learn how to do "L" cuts in dialogue and to shoot coverage. Video is cheap. Actually shoot masters, twos and CUs. Always get a good take and a safety. Even a good take can have technical problems. Sound is the biggest thing that separates the men from the boys. Foley clips are like gold. I personally follow the rule that everything has a sound. Always add a room tone or ambient sound. If some one moves quickly add a sound for it. I'm not talking chop socky sounds I often take them down to where I can barely hear it then drop it one DB. Believe it or not even something that faint adds color to the sound. Creative is only half the battle you have to be able to master the technical if you want to make a professional film. Film school is a waste of time, watch lots of old films and there are good books. Watch Citizen Kane a dozen times in a row. Brilliant deep focus shots and some low camera angles where they had to cut holes in the set. Just look at the style of the film and you'll get hundreds of ideas. He was the composition master of his day. Look at everything I just said and what of this can't apply to no budget movies? Can't aford foley clips then do your own. The best cricket track I ever had I did myself. Foley recording can be half the fun of the film. I once set up a box with a towel inside to dampen the sound and did things like eggs cracking and sticks breaking. Like I say be creative and have fun. I'm not trying to be harsh I just say if you are going to spend a year or two on a movie then make it the best you can. If you are shooting weekends then spend the week planning every shot. Do stick man storyboards and do rehearsals and walk throughs. If your actors can't act then avoid dialogue like the plague. Long dialogue scenes just show off your shortcomings. Learn to make your weaknesses strengths. Jaws is the best example of that I've ever seen. The shark sucked so you rarely saw it until the end and the end was the worst of it! The film was better when it was an unseen threat. I just saw a film called Hypothermia. The beginning was really promising. It was above average for a low budget and I was hopeful. Then they showed the monster. It was a dude that looked like he was in an S&M rubber suit with a cheesy fish head on top and spandex wings under his arms and he was always running towards the camera. It was the worst monster in the history of film. They had a great little film until the showed the monster. The stuff where you saw flashes of fins in the water worked it was just when you saw the full monty monster that you howl with laughter. Better to have never shown it. Like I say a good man knows his limitations and they can be made to work for you.

Comment Real point, nothing unique to gaming (Score 1) 161

Try sports if you want violence. Can you say Soccer Hooligans or Hockey Fans? People have been killed over a little league game. Can you say the same about video games? The point they try to make is there's something special about video games that make people violent where as there's zero evidence of that. What about banning violent sports? Just try to claim boxing doesn't make people more aggressive? People want an easy answer. Take away guns and people become fluffy kittens. Ban violent video games and school shooting disappear. It's a naive belief given the simple fact the most violent people tend to not play video games or even have access to them. Terrorist don't sit around playing video games all day. Neither do street gangs. It's like saying TV makes us fat. No it's sitting on your ass watching it that makes you fat. Most of these studies are tailored to find a specific result which means they ignore the other factors.

Comment Re:Enough is enough! (Score 1) 238

The officers should be charged with theft and assault. They should also be fired.

How often are the police held accountable for anything they do? In LA during the Rampart scandal out of the dozens named none were fired or charged except the whistle blower. He was fired and threatened. I saw video tape of a cop in LA slamming an unconscious kid against the hood of a car. He was beaten unconscious before the camera was turned on then woke up when he was slammed against the car. No charges were filed but they did arrest the guy filming it. There have been numerous cases of unarmed people shot to death by the police for misdemeanors. I can name dozes of cases personally but trying to think of one where a police officer was held accountable for his actions is difficult.

Comment "Failure Rate" is the issue (Score 3, Insightful) 134

Large numbers of defective fetuses is what keeps human cloning from being a reality. Cloning also has the issue global warming has, the name is misleading. Instead of clone they should be called a genetic twin. Most assume the clone will look like you and have all the same characteristics. I'm sure some even think they'd have the same memories. A clone can be taller or shorter and It may look almost exactly the same but even identical twin have slight differences so family and friends can pick them out. The only hope of human cloning having a future is to get away from this carbon copy idea and explain to people how they will be unique and not a perfect copy.

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