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Comment I don't think these answers cover it all (Score 1) 509

These type of questions always need more details, but deciphering it mostly sounds like basically two colleagues, where the younger one has no power to affect change and his older colleague is same/higher level.

Handling people there's always something that pushes their buttons.. you have to wisely find their's:
  • * Chummy Inspiration: such as mentioning how you use it to save time (and that it takes little time to learn is always good). People who are resistant will relent in the face of it saving them time later..best combined with some gambling inspiration after assumed initial resistance.
  • * Fun Inspiration (Gambling): Put your money where your mouth is, offer to pay him or buy/bring him lunch for a week if he can do it faster with his tech, and if you win, he must recode it by learning the new technology.
  • * Make Fun Inspiration (ego challenge): Bet him he's too old to learn new stuff and is becoming outdated, doubt him and offer to personally buy him a plaque that you were wrong if he can. (you gotta give something to get if it's that important to you)
  • * Dirty Inspiration: Talk about how old he is he can't even learn x-technology. If he's using y-tech, maybe his name from now on is y-tech John..
  • * Backstabber Inspiration: .. think of your own if ure that big of a dick. :)
  • * Sex Sells inspiration: Get him laid/buy him a hooker if he can learn it in a week.
  • * Blackmail:...uh. see Backstabber
  • * Self-Deprecation inspiration: Sub in for gambling inspiration
  • * Kidnap inspiration: force him at gunpoint. Highly effective, very high cost to self

Submission + - Google Seeks 'Do-No-Discoverable-Evil' Patent

theodp writes: 'E-mails and other communications between employees,' explains Google in a newly-published patent application for its Policy Violation Checker invention, 'can implicate potential violations of company policy or local, state or federal law that can go unchecked by attorneys or other legal personnel.' So how can you avoid those embarrassing Goldman Sachs and Enron e-mail gaffes? Use Google's 'methods and systems for identifying problematic phrases in an electronic document'! From the patent application: 'Documents may be used as evidence in court, administrative, or other proceedings. It is in a company's best interest to minimize or eliminate policy violations and/or situations that could give rise to legal liability. It is also often in a company's best interest to be able to Pack [?] these situations. Problematic phrases include, but are not limited to, phrases that present policy violations, have legal implications, or are otherwise troublesome to a company, business, or individual.' So, if you can't Do-No-Evil, at least you can Do-No-Discoverable-Evil!

Submission + - Malaysians catching illegal voters with Camera Phones

SinisterRainbow writes: Poles closed earlier today on Malaysian elections on what may be the first time in 55 years it will see a transition in leadership. Though not without a fight, the ruling BN party, known for it's massive corruption and institutional racism, has been ironically, flying in foreigners to vote for it. While BN admits it's flying in foreigners, it says it's for 'a voter turnout drive' (http://tinyurl.com/cfxkghf). There has been a grassroots push to catch these voters on camera phones (ex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJpltR53aYo). This begs the PR question, would you submit to extra racial scrutiny in order to ensure a more fair election process?

Comment Beats spamvertising in apps. (Score 1) 232

I for one dislike advertisements far more than this, tho some apps I don't think are worth paying for. If I were personally presented with 3 options, pay, free, or mine Bitcoins on a small app, I'd opt the later every time so long as it was clear how it was used. If I'm running a small game and it doesn't disturb the frame rate, I wouldn't mind in the slightest.

Comment Always Asimov.. Why? (Score 1) 203

If kids are not doing well and need extra credit especially, getting them interested in science in the first place may be the best bet. I always think if you can show the fun side of things, it will make you want to know the details (take Linear Algebra, if you only care about matrices on paper it's boring, but if you're talking about video games and rotating aliens it's much more fun). If they are interested in Asimov (Foundation and Robot series are always great starters), they may look to him later for his non-fiction - which he truly breaks down science topics better than anyone I've ever met (an extremely hard feat to accomplish). That being said, if there's room left, it may not hurt to have them read even a single chapter in one of his science non-fiction books, see all they learn in a single chapter to get them into it (and maybe buy the book for later). It's pain free reading and written so children can comprehend easily. He's the type of writer who doesn't need to show his intelligence by using every piece of tech jargon in his topics of study, he's the kind of writer who takes it a step further by knowing the topics in and out, then dispensing in a way only an expert writer and teacher could (he was a prof. before a writer.) As an aside: The whole reason I pursued an engineering/software career in the first place was a physics teacher in h.s. who the whole first year we just played with things and watched movies. I barely remember studying any text at all - but somehow retained so much I got college credit - without really trying. (I wasn't the only one by far.). I liken this to Asimov books. Thumbs up to teachers, you guys really do inspire us for the rest of our lives.

Comment Re:If that's the case... (Score -1, Offtopic) 317

Calling sarcasm stupid is a humiliated man's wit. Go fuck yourself you pretentious, elitist, ivory-tower retard.

Not elitist except in one scenario: The one where a person doesn't read English statements correctly, then takes that misread statement and proceeds to commit a straw-man fallacy followed by personal attack fallacy based on (extremely false) psychic data - and who does it two short sentences. That's my exception.

Comment If that's the case... (Score -1, Flamebait) 317

... you should also commit suicide if: a) You don't realize sarcasm is stupid man's wit. b) You don't realize sarcasm rarely works in small text excepts, particularly ones written by ACs, and even moreso ones poorly written unlike, say, an Onion article c) Your failed post doesn't generate intended effect and you ask others to commit suicide d) In failing to generate intended effect you first look to others to blame other than yourself e) You believe that inconsequential things lead to the detriment of species

Comment Reading between the lines (Score 5, Insightful) 207

I'm always surprised in these types of articles that the main point is not about the US justice system which allows such crap to happen in the first place and the lack of reprisals against those bringing frivolous lawsuits. When there's little risk and high possible reward, they are going to keep happening. Why not speak their language and punish their pocketbook when they fail. Make it risky to abuse things or be ignorant about things (tho doubtfully the later).

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