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Comment Re:Show time (Score 1) 722

Did you stop CPR when you put your father in the car?
If he didn’t need CPR when you departed - what would you have done if he needed CPR in your car on the way?
So that’s - worst case - 8 Minutes without Pulse?
Or “only” about 3 Minutes while racing to the hospital plus 1 Minute (best case) until treatment?

Seriously: If your living close to civilization do CPR while waiting AT HOME for the ambulance so they can pick up from there and TREAT the person while going to the hospital.
If you drive yourself while your father needs CPR his brain will be damaged within in the 5 Minutes you need to get to the hospital.

Driving recklessly with somebody dying in your car when you could easily have learned CPR does not make a hero or a good son.
Learn CPR as a gift to your loved ones.
And watch #theUndeading

Comment Tapwater in Germany (Score 3, Informative) 196

The quality of German tapwater is highly monitored and thus the water usually is microbially and chemically at least as clean as bottled water. There is dispute whether it is even monitored /better/ than bottled water.
The risk of contaminating it with a filter is way higher than drinking it directly from the tap. You might have some issues with lead piping in old houses if you have soft water, though.

Concerning taste YMMV, some places have harder water, some temporary add some chlorine after heavy rain, but usually it's tasty.
Over all your warning is complete bollocks.

Comment Good idea (Score 2) 650

Snowden is neither accused nor convicted of any crime.
Yet the US seems to be about to threat to sanction any country that harbors him.
I think the US would finally officially and publicly say goodbye to being a constitutional state and to obeying the rule of law.
And I'm very interested in the WTO-Implications.

This could be a good thing for the rest of the world.

Comment New Media Boom? (Score 2) 230

So they shut down the quality-news-broadcast network and set free a pile of professionals, some of them well known I guess.
Will that mean that Greece will now emerge getting a professional quality-news-podcast-network and will that mean that there has to be a reason to shut down the internets, too?

Comment It's not Kim Jong Un (Score 1) 727

I think at this has nothing to do with Kim Jong Un but with a mad military machine running on autopilot.
The wheels within the machine have no chance to survive but by producing even more hawkish and outlandish threats.
There's no way out because there is nobody to talk to. Kim Jong Un is just stuck as the Master-Puppet, however there is nobody behind the curtain but a headless chicken.

I guess that even the Chinese do not have much of an influence because if they build up pressure DRKs only possible reactions are more outlandish.

Comment Re:Not a joke (Score 1) 339

> An R/C aircraft might have steel and other really hard materials that could do more damage.

So somebody dropped a castiron drone from somewhere above the plane?
I see no other way to make an aircraft made of steel or similar fly.

Maybe a castiron quadcopter with a nuclear reactor?

Comment Re:And yet... (Score 1) 2987

> Except European countries have very low amounts of gun violence precisely because they strictly control guns with laws.

No, it's because we are living in socialism and everybody knows that there's a shortage of everything in socialism.
So basically we're trying to keep up with guncrime, however, we have a shortage on bullets...

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