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Comment Re:This isn't the first cable to be cut. (Score 2) 102

It is about 100km from Guam itself hence why it could use a microwave backup.

For a single hop 100km line-of-sight radio path that just skims the sea in the middle of the path, the antennas would have to be 150m tall on both ends (or some combination of appropriate heights). Those are mighty tall towers, which might explain the storm damage. If you want to clear 80% of the 1st Fresnel zone, you'd need an additional 33m at the middle of the path.

Comment Re:Moon First? (Score 1) 99

It's in Earth orbit, which means the moon gets about the same amount of solar radiation per unit area as the Earth...

You're technically correct, which as we all know is the best sort of correct. :-)

The issue isn't the amount of light per unit area, it's the 2 week periods of darkness that will likely kill off your plants. Plants don't really like to grow in two week on/two week off spurts.

Comment Re:My wave energy device... (Score 1) 51

... that way they recover some wasted energy ...

The electromagnetic field energy he was draining was not 'wasted' - it would've just oscillated back and forth as normal. Once he started coupling to it, it started pulling actual power, so he was stealing power that would've otherwise been transmitted down the line.

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