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Comment Re:Oxymoron (Score 3, Informative) 319

You're not supposed to do any heavy back-end work with node itself; it can handle simple database interactions and streaming etc. but anything that requires serious computation is supposed to be forked off to a separate process. Unfortunately it encourages misuse by providing a toehold for JavaScript programmers to start worming their way deeper into server processing.

Comment apples to oranges (Score 2) 264

if its colder than predicted - its weather

Because those are short term predictions made days ahead by weathermen. Weather is less predictable in the short term than climate in the long term. Over a longer term (meaning years, not days) temperatures haven't been "colder than predicted".

if its the same temp as predicted - it shows "the models are right"


if its warmer than predicted - OMG global warming!!!!

14 of the 15 hottest years on record have been this century. (The exception was 1998, an El Nino year.) 15 years is a longer term than weathermen deal with.

People do seem to understand the difference between short term and long term phenomena if it's a stock price we're talking about. I don't hear people asking "if Apple stock is rising, then what about the high prices during 2012?" as if it was the medieval warming period. But if it's a planet's temperature- "la la la la, fingers in my ears, I can't hear you!"

Comment Re:Measurements & Modeling (Score 2) 264

I see these two arguments being made over and over in these threads.

This one: "Correlation is not causation. So if something correlates, it means it's being caused by something else."

And this: "They're saying we're going to get more hurricanes? I guess they were driving SUVs and burning fossil fuels in 1667 when a hurricane hit Jamestown, Virginia, right? Huh? Huh?"

Comment Re:Climate models (Score 4, Insightful) 264

I learned this from the global warming skeptics:

  • 1. If it snows less than a weatherman predicts, it means climatologists are full of shit.
  • 2. If it snows more than a weatherman predicts, it means climatologists are full of shit.
  • 3. If it snows exactly as much as a weatherman predicts, invite him on your show as an expert to explain why climatologists are full of shit.

Comment Re:Climate models (Score 4, Insightful) 264

How about we fix the climate models before using them to predict things?

How about these guys take into account the rising temperatures in oceanic heat reservoirs instead of restricting their analysis to lagging indicators like air temperature?

If they can't predict things, they can't predict things.

Can't argue with logic.

Comment Re:Don't automatically call 911 on epileptics (Score 1) 327

It mostly worked, although now I have trouble remembering people's names when I see their faces. I lost my job as an engineer because I was ditzy and forgetful for a few months after they removed a chunk of my brain out, but it was worth it. They used me as a subject in a study on recognizing numbers (since part of my skull was in a refrigerator somewhere). They also sent pulses onto cortical surface electrodes to see where the seizure focus was, and those produced visual hallucinations on the left side of my field of vision. Things in the left side of the room would look fuzzy, or colorful, or repulsive, or beautiful, etc. depending on which electrodes they zapped.

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