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Comment Re:Why would a license plate point to a person (Score 1) 131

Because multiple cars don't share the same license plate.

That's a pretty stupid statement given anyone with a screwdriver can render it false in about a minute.

If you ever want to frame someone, go to a mall and find a vehicle with similar make and color... I leave the rest to your imagination.

Comment People who care dislike AGW (Score 0) 305

And people do in fact need to CARE about the earth and the future of humanity if this is to be solved.

I have done more real good for the Earth than most posters here will in a lifetime.

I am also strongly against the AGW madness to "do something", because I can see how none of it is based on science, only the "truthiness" flavor or science.

I can see the direction it is heading with terrible ideas that basically end in terraforming our own perfectly working Earth ecosystem.

I can also see everyone ignoring the only real danger there is to humanity, and that is an ice age - not a mild warming that improves agriculture and does little else.

I can see people distort natural changes in climate over time into terrible dangers for personal and political gain. In the end I suppose that matters little, it's just a slightly different monkey on the top of the hill at the end of the day, but the part of me that dislikes con men is unhappy to see such a large con fool so many rubes until they loose much before catching on.

If people actually cared, they would wake up and call out the charlatans. If the Pope's paper has that effect truly, it will be good though not the direction he intended.

Comment True or Not (Score 1) 305

It's main point is that AGW, true or not, is evil and must be stopped

Since millions will suffer in some way needlessly if it is not true (due to terrible misallocation of resources), why MUST it be stopped regardless?

If that's the main point, then the whole paper means nothing in reality. It is simply the clearest sign yet that the "something must be done" cry around AGW is ONLY a religious matter, rather than scientific.

Comment Don't see why you would not want something in (Score 1) 172

This isn't going to affect the majority of books. It's strictly for the Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Online Lending Library portions, where customers can read the book without buying it. Simply don't make your books available through those programs

If you don't make your books available for the program, you get zero.

If you do, and they read even a few pages, you get something...

Frankly I'd really want to know if people were or were not reading all the way through books I wrote.

As a reader it would be great to have incentive for authors not to spend time on boring filler such that you are tempted to skip to the ending. So I'm all for it.

Comment Off-Topic (Score 1) 110

The problem with Apple gear is that it isn't compatible with Apple gear

You have already failed in several ways from the outset.

1) Apple Music is not "gear". it's a service.
2) Apple Music will be available for Android, not just "Apple Gear".
3) The Airport case you bring up is annoying but pretty unique, mostly Apple Gear works fine with other Apple Gear (including iTunes supporting the very oldest iPods still).

Comment New requirement: Must drive for more than one. (Score 1) 346

In order to totally eliminate this as a concern, going forward Uber may require drivers to belong to more than one service - as a programming consultant I face the same issue with some clients were they demand to know I have other recent clients also so I cannot claim to be an employee, and there are often hard limits on length of work.

Comment Not a new leaf (Score 1) 196

What you have to understand in all this is motivation.

Google has ALWAYS has a significant monetary motivation to collect and analyze as much data as possible about you.

Apple has NEVER had that motivation. They just have never had a need to collect information about you because it doesn't do them any good, therefore collecting it is only an added expense with no return.

Now it turns out that no only does Apple not gain by collecting user data, in fact they have figured out how to PROFIT from not collecting user data - witness the current marketing push that makes the argument you should buy Apple gear because Apple values your privacy. That is a very clear, and very powerful message.

I don't think people here (or really anywhere) understand just what it means to the world that Apple is firing up its ginormous marketing engine to make privacy desirable...

Comment Re:Knowledge (Score 2) 312

But that is pure information, removed from any intent for use.

BTW that particular book is also REALLY POORLY WRITTEN. Some of the things in that book are wrong, some are so wrong I swear it was written by the CIA so terrorists would off themselves first. I guess in that sense the book is good, there's no telling how many lives it saved due to crappy malfunctioning bombs in the past... but its time is over as terrorists have more accurate info now. At this point that book is only hurting miscreant 14-year old boys.

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