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Comment More Sanity (Score 5, Informative) 272

How is it not sane to think that the people who could be potentially hit by your craft would have something to say about it flying over them?

I find this a perfectly reasonable law. Don't forget it means that could could fly on private property NEXT to the public property and film from there, as long as you are not directly over the public area...

Comment The crisis was always over (Score 0) 174

Organic honeybee producers never had much of a real problem, it was really only large scale agricultural bees that had issues - it never really was at the point of crisis, like everything else these days it was just being used to scare you for someone else's gain.

Lots of government money happily funneled to useless bee research...

As an aside honey is really good for you, you should have some when you can - it's great to replace sweeteners in things like tea or cereal. It has lots of health benefits and never goes bad. Believe it or not it also relieves pain from bee stings when a bit is applied topically to the stung area (I know that that sounds absurd but all I can say is that it works and works quickly).

Comment Never said have to (Score 1) 634

The real question is why ANYONE would think you have to like all the people you work with.

You don't have to of course. You are just an idiot if you don't seek that out when you have the ability - which all developers do because of the ease of finding work currently. I feel sorry for people who have more trouble finding work, who do not have that flexibility...

If you think about it, if you are working with a lot of people you don't like as a developer you are spitting on the less privileged. Or you are a masochist, which is fine - I also don't have to work with you.

Comment Re:Pebble Time (Score 1) 213

Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't (at least for me).

The problem is that needing that to come on eliminates any advantage it had in having a screen that was always on vs. the Apple Watch - in the end if I move my wrist to see the time I am successful way more often with the Apple Watch than with the Pebble Time.

Comment A thought so nice you posted twice (Score 1) 634

I see the question burned in your mind so brightly, you felt the need to post twice...

You seem to think it's OK to dislike me because of your own prejudice, so why then are you angry when other people do the same?

Because people of your worldview need such nonsense to think rationally, I'll qualify my point by noting that I personally support gay weddings, have a number of gay friends and friends of color... I'm not the bigot that your mind has formed, you are for hating what your imagination has crafted of me.

People like you think you can wave away human nature, even as your own devours your soul.

I will not answer you any longer, for you mentally are not in a place that you can be helped or even informed... If you can't learn from an exchange why should I bother?

Comment Re:the important detail (Score 1) 634

If they are good at what they do then you don't have to like them.

You are rather an idiot if you make that choice though, if there is a choice...

For programmers there *is* a choice. You have a lot of opportunity, a lot of ability to make choices as to where you work and who with. To not exercise that choice is self-harm, degrading in the literal sense to you and your mental health.

Comment Re:the important detail (Score 1) 634

It's not any different at all, nor is it different from someone who really hates Star Wars not wanting to hire me. That is the point, you are saying it is like , when in reality it's the other way around and your list is a tiny subset of potentials.

People can be closed-minded beyond so many of the hot-button reasons you list.

Comment Finally a reason for a Masters Degree (Score 1) 634

Not for me or a few others I know, but point taken as it mostly applies.

So the consequence of that realization, is that about ten years into a career, you should get a masters to reset the clock. :-)

Hmm, so THAT'S why people get a masters... always seemed rather pointless until now. It's not pointless, just expensive.

Comment Re:the important detail (Score 1) 634

etc. you would be OK for those candidates to be rejected?

The real question is why ANYONE would want to work with people who did not like them. Who cares about acceptance when the work environment will be horrible?

This issue transcends the flamebait you are trying to push out.

Everyone WILL face rejection by people who do not like them. You can either accept that and move on or live a life of despair, that choice is on no-one but you.

Comment Re:the important detail (Score 2) 634

I agree with the first point, if a gap on the resume mattered it would have filtered them earlier. But....

well it's not like they didn't know her age either, they saw that before they called her too

It's quite one thing to know an age beforehand, and another to experience the age firsthand.

Although how would they know the age beforehand? It's not legal to ask and most people don't say.

I think it can easily be that in-person, the group of younger people simply does not feel as comfortable with them. It's not even really age discrimination so much as cultural discrimination because the difference in cultural experience is so large... Frankly I don't even have an issue with it, because if a group is not comfortable working with you you are not going to be happy working with them either.

Comment Lockdown for Thee, but not for Me (Score 1) 250

Systems have only become more closed to NON-TECHNICAL users. iPhones can still be jailbroken and you can do anything with them. Hack, even non-jailbroken iPhones you can do quite a lot with simply by running your own locally developed app on your device (which anyone can do for free now BTW).

This is useful because we have seen historically that systems that are more open to non-technical users lead to a lot of self-harm. They simply do not have any way to filter what is reasonable and what is not as to what they are putting in the system.

In reality all computing systems are more open and hackable than ever before thanks to connectivity. When a hacker on his couch can stop a Jeep driving down the road, you don't have to worry that systems are too closed.

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