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Comment Cosplay is a valid reason to have them though (Score 2) 326

The exceptions at PAX are from people cosplaying representations of game characters. I don't see anything wrong with that. I also don't think it's reasonable to ban people who want to show up in cosplay outfits that may be sexy.

Some people like expressing sexuality, to deny them the ability to do so is just as repressive as any other kind of censorship.

Comment Lots of places have banned both babes already (Score 2) 326

How is this a first? The most recent PAX banned booth babes. Also MacWorld did a while ago... I'm pretty sure there are other examples, including lots of smaller technical conferences.

The surprise to me is that an RSA conference even HAD booth babes.

I have mixed feeling about this, it seems discriminatory against the good looking... however it always was kind of pointless, and annoying to have people at a booth that didn't know much about whatever the booth was promoting.

The funny(?) thing is that as this movement ratchets down into conferences everywhere, it will probably mean a rise in the number of women turning to literal, instead of figurative, prostitution to make a living.

Comment No backups?? (Score 1) 167

I can't understand in a case like this why they can't restore the system from some earlier backup (well, I can, but it seems absurd they are not able to).

If nothing else just whip the system and re-install software. It seems like they could recover email addresses from servers the emails went through before... perhaps they would be without some records but you can't go on like this. Even if you pay the demands and unlock everything you'd have to reinstall everything from scratch anyway.

Comment Re:Infrastructure yes, service no (Score 1) 536

That's a really good point, I did some research into DOCSIS myself at one point to decide if I should upgrade my cable modem to support a newer version.

I didn't really think about corporate IT guys never encountering those day to day, in fact if anything they would be probably less inclined to dig into it since it's so close to work... at least for a programmer it's something a bit different.

Comment It's the home thing (Score 1) 536

I wouldn't go that far. Sure, he probably RDP, VNC, or SSH into his remote servers with the occasional upload/download to them. But being in IT and knowing quite a a few devs

If you work at home much or have more than one system you are having to do quite a lot more than that.

You are at the very least, figuring out port forwarding on your router... also diagnosing reachability and DNS issues from your ISP.

Not to mention that any developer doing much with servers at all is going to be pretty familiar with tracing and examining networking traffic - even if it's mostly HTTP and not much UDP.

Over the years just because I do so much from home, I've had to learn to diagnose networking issues the cable support reps just could not understand.

Comment There was another way (Score 1) 536

After reading the account, it seems the real issue was that Comcast never got around to bringing out an engineering team to the area to run a cable drop to the house.

Well what if the local cable infrastructure was accidentally damaged? It seems like then they'd already have trucks out repairing the line anyway, so they could also do a run to the house...

Comment Re:It works both ways (Score 1) 886

You should respect their right to move the location of their event to a jurisdiction of their choosing

I do! I'm just saying there are financial implications to them, for people that would have otherwise attended but disagree with that stance - just as others pointed out there are financial implications for the state of the convention moves. As I said in my original subject - it goes both ways.

They aren't the ones trying to pass a law mandating compliance

That's not what the law is, at all.

Though I suspect your position is an empty one as I find it very probable you had no intention of attending GenCon in the first place.

I've attended in the past, I wasn't planning to go this year but I was planning to go again eventually.

I also suspect said Legislative members behind this bill would have no problem not respecting the right of gay people to exist while gay,


Comment Infrastructure yes, service no (Score 4, Insightful) 536

Glad their marketing works on you, the infrastructure is identical between their Cable and Business divisions.

Don't recall him saying much about the infrastructure, it was more about the service - the simple fact is that the service is very different between the two tiers, which is really more important - I don't care if the network is amazingly fast, if it's fast enough that's fine. But I do care VERY VERY MUCH if it's out during the day and need a rapid, informed response on the other end of the support line to figure out why there is an outage.

Also not sure why a 'Developer' would be qualified to judge the quality of an ISP.

That's because a develop who works a lot at home is also a sysadmin. They probably have a few systems, they probably know a lot more about networking than some guy just trying to get cable.

Comment Re:Nuclear arms use probable in five years (Score 1) 228

That loss is ENTIRELY on the airliner who chose that course.

That's a bullshit excuse since there were MANY airlines and flights flying that route, and it's not like pilots are "deciding" where to fly - they have routes already planned. There were probably thousands of flights over the Ukraine that week alone before the one plane was shot down...

There is no excuse for shooting down a passenger jet, period. It's on people conducting war to not harm civilians if at all possible, and it's VERY POSSIBLE to identify civilian aircraft in many ways (transponders being just one).

Comment It works both ways (Score 0) 886

If GenCon moves because of this bill, I will make it a point not to attend GenCon.

I'm not religious, and I value gay rights. But I also value to the right of people to do as they please, and not be forced to serve anyone they disagree with.

If you respect the right of gay people to choose who to marry, why not respect the rights of others to choose who the associate with also.

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