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Comment Re:Not a lot, just a lot of trolls. (Score 1) 1134

Regardless of the actual number of individuals, those who threaten and/or abuse others are worthless scum.

Of course they are - I'm simply saying there are not as many as you think, AND by and large they are probably not misandrists OR misogynists, even though they attack both men and women alike... instead they are (not sure if there's an official term for this) anti-humanists. They screw with EVERYONE because they can, so it does no good to get worked up over misogynists when that's not what they are.

Comment Yes they do act (Score 1) 1134

Why do you think that The State should infringe on those rights when miscreants engage in the same behavior,

The state would indeed infringe on the "right" to be an asshole if someone was in my own house being one.

Which is pretty much the case when you are on any PRIVATELY OWNED forum.

Anyone has the right to put up their own website saying anything. But that's not the issue now is it?

Comment Re:Not a lot, just a lot of trolls. (Score 1) 1134

You say most men, but you are pointing to a rich elite with very small numbers. Also that guy was really old, and a lot of older people can make casually racist remarks just because that's how they grew up - it doesn't even mean they necessarily are racist.

The truth is the majority of men on the planet would prefer to act like James Bond does towards women

Again, where's the evidence of this? I don't see it, I see most men as being polite and respectful towards women, and it's more than just a veneer.

Comment Not a lot, just a lot of trolls. (Score 3, Interesting) 1134

Why do you think there are a LOT of men that are misogynists?

I don't often encounter them in real life. Sure there are some out there, but it's a huge stretch to claim that there are a lot of men that dislike women.

Some people get online and become complete and utter sociopaths.

This is in fact what people are missing - a lot of online trolls are not truly misogynists. Or that is to say, they will screw with everyone equally or whoever they can get the biggest rise out of.

In real life they may well not be misogynists at all, as you say some people get online and they turn into something different and almost inhuman in the resolve to cause pain and distress. The kind of trolls that went after Robin William's daughter after his death - that's not being a misogynist, that's being an asshole.

Comment False Falseness (Score 2) 546

If you plan to be employed in the technology field, then you have to have a degree in computer science, engineering, math, or physics.

I have never found that to be true at any company I've ever worked for.

As a consultant I have never had anyone ask about my degree.

I do have a CS degree, and I find it valuable myself - but I don't think everyone needs one.

Comment Re:Not due to Putin's ego (Score 1) 789

The second the first nuke flies, we'll see how wrong you are about this little fantasy.

A tactical nuke used in the Ukraine means two things:

Jack & Squat.

I'm not sure Russia would really use them, but you greatly underestimate how pacified and placid the rest of the world has become.

You should have had a bit of a clue with the worlds reaction to a jetliner of innocents dying (yawns all around), but then you are one of the Anonymous Clueless. Your prediction has SO MUCH WEIGHT behind it when no-one can tell it was your weazily self that got it flat wrong...

Comment Not due to Putin's ego (Score 5, Informative) 789

Putin has a massive ego, yes. But he's also a realist.

He knows that no other superpower will do anything no matter what he does. Certainly not the U.S. No-one has or will do anything about a whole jetliner of people shot out of the sky with citizens from around the world, why would they about a war in the Ukraine?

Your notion anyone would join forces to invade Russia is the real madness...

So he does whatever he wants because he can. And people are surprised about that?

Comment That's not a niche (Score 1) 132

There are probably 10-20 applications in the Apple App Store that do fuel/vehicle expense tracking.

I don't think you are understanding what a niche really means...

There are also many, many applications that have received under 100 downloads so it's not like 5-10k is anywhere near a small amount they would reject.

Comment Re:What will it take to abate your fear? (Score 1) 302

No one (at least not anyone I know) denies that climate change through non-anthropogenic processes exists.

You are in essence though. You are claiming that natural change is nonexistent next to anthropogenic change. You (and others like you) deny constantly that natural processes account for one iota of change, or else you would mention it with any talk about climate change.

Through omission, you damn yourself.

Regardless of what the mixtures of components are, we already know now that there is no runaway warming process so the reason to fear change the way you do. We know from recent decades that CO2 levels from human emissions has basically zero effect on increases in temperature (as temperature increases have either failed to materialize or been swallowed by other climate processes even as CO2 emissions continue to rise).

So again, why do you fear? What will it take to abate the unreadable and utterly un-scientific fear of a natural process?

Instead lets fight ACTUAL pollution, lets make sane choices that are truly better for the environment and not someones pocketbook or serve to increase government power over the plebes.

Comment Re:Not a slow lane, a fast lane (Score 1) 91

The mistake you make is in assuming that without the $14.95 option you'd have any faster speeds. Wrong; you'd have the option to use the hotels entertainment system to get movies instead. Is the option for a faster internet connection you must pay a small amount for ($14.95 being nothing compared to the nightly rate) truly worse than that awful fate?

You aren't grasping the reality that you cannot let everyone have video streaming quality internet for the a low price.

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