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Comment Do any other storage systems not bill for unauth? (Score 1) 70

This article made me wonder, do any other storage providers not bill for unauthorized access attempts? That seems like a pretty big potential billing hazard.

I can see why providers might charge for that, it is taking up resources, but I would also hope providers would do some work to help drop unauthorized requests in a way that would not bill you, or maybe some very minimal fee.

At the very least a good lesson to monitor an S3 bucket access logs as soon as you create one to make sure nothing else is pointing at it! And maybe to use some really complex bucket naming, or at least reverse domain format, to eliminate that possibility.

Comment Yes of course (Score 1) 148

And, so do you still have your VP?

Of course I still have my VP, I use it daily for work and other things. It's been awesome, and was especially good on a recent international flight.

I still find it incredibly useful to have a normalized large working environment wherever I am, I've had to travel a lot recently (some work, some vacation) and no matter where I go I have a full computing setup easily on hand.

I cannot express how much more vastly useful the AVP is day to day than any Quest unit. Quest is for play, AVP is for work.

Comment Apple offers good financing though... (Score 0) 148

Anyone reading this, please please do not finance a car's worth of money on some new gadget you're not even sure if you have a use for.

I agree with this sentiment generally, but two corrections specifically:

1) what kind of car are you getting for $3500 these days?

2) Apple does offer 0% financing for the Vision Pro same as for other devices, the term is one year for the VP specifically which means a payment around $360 or so a month over a year.

If you are going to get one that is a great deal to be able to make use of your own money for a year that would have been immediately spent otherwise.

Also Apple offers a generous 14 day no questions return policy so you can back out if you realize the device is not for you.

So don't be afraid to use credit, but use it wisely and as you say, consider if what you are buying makes sense for you.

Comment Should be mentioned in the summary - nationalism (Score 2) 44

I think it's such a key part of the overall article it really should have been brought into the summary as well - the reason for the drop is not necessarily anything Samsung has done, but because there is a trend of Chinese people preferring to buy Chinese made products - so the top spot has been taken by Huawei.

Comment Returns are 1%, not 100% (Score 1, Offtopic) 148

Some random Apple employee that told this Apple Hater is wrong - if they even exist.

Apple Vision Pro returns are at 1%.

Also if you have been following the rumors for a while, you will be scratching your head at production supposedly being cut down to 400k units from 800k... when long ago it was projected that the supply of 4k displays used by the AVP was only around 400-500k...

Which leads you to wonder if purchase and supply have just been a constant and it's the rumors t hat are all over the place. As usual.

Comment Clever hack for dumb system (Score 4, Interesting) 121

Airline systems tend to have problems because they were written prior to 1980, when things like BCD were still commonplace.

For software written after approximately 1980 (and definitely after the dawn of 8-bit personal computers), the "Y2K problem" was rarely about date-storage and calculation, and was mainly a usability and character-mode UI problem.

First, let's get one thing clear: programmers in the 1980s and 1990s weren't oblivious to the year 2000. Behind the scenes, most programs written after ~1980 either represented dates as 32-bit epoch time values, or represented years as a byte offset from some reference year. The result is, they were generally good for dates between around 1800..2050 or 1850..2100.

The REAL problem was the ubiquity of 80x25 character-mode displays. Especially back in the 1980s, wasting two characters of screen real estate on a seemingly redundant '19' was intolerable. The arrival of Windows and proportional fonts made programmers more willing to start using 4-digit dates starting in the early 1990s... but for charactermode programs, there was intense resistance even in 1995, with 2000 less than 5 years away.

In many cases, Y2K mitigation was REALLY an excuse to scare management into approving the replacement of DOS and terminal-based programs with Windows. The truth is, almost all programs written after the 1970s HAD arcane work-arounds to let users enter pre-1900 and post-2000 years, and they weren't really a secret... just ugly and kludgy. Like, entering/rendering dates after 2000 using a letter as the first character (ex: a0=2000, b1=2011, c2=2022, etc). Or rendering dates like 2004 as 19104 (naively printing it as "19" plus the byte-offset from 1900).

The irony is, a lot of systems that were supposedly remediated for y2k ACTUALLY have ticking time-bomb deadlines of 2038, or sometime around 2050 or 2100 that have been mostly forgotten about by now.

Comment Even fake leather is better (Score 1) 39

There's a reason that there is a saying that goes "Wears like leather." Leather is an excellent material to make durable stuff out of if it can't be made out of metal or needs some give.

Even if you can't bring yourself to use real leather from any animal (a waste Native Americans would chide you for given how much leather is produced as a bi-product from raising cattle for food), there are plenty go fake leathers that feel great and wear really well!

The "fine woven" stuff was crazy bad. I upgraded my phone this year and waited to look at the cases in person, and wanted no part of what I could tell was a terrible material just by touching it. You could tell just from sample cases in the store it would not wear well...

Generally though for me, third party cases have been simply better for a number of years now, and first party Apple cases have just not been as good. But they could at least get back to making soemthing that felt and looked premium.

Comment Re: Screw the American auto industry (Score 2) 305

I can affirm old people vs low cars. I have a Honda Civic Sport Touring, which isn't even all that small, and my parents can't get in or out of it without assistance. Going back to a normal car after driving a Ford SportTrac for almost 15 years was a shock... for the first week, getting out of the car felt like standing up from a mattress on the floor... and driving through flooded parking lots after thunderstorms has become *scary.* With my 'Trac, water less than a foot deep was irrelevant. With my Civic, even 4-6 inches of standing water is heart-stopping to drive through.

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