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Comment Re:Is it really so difficult... (Score 4, Informative) 312

Long distance travel is pretty easy; there is ample signage and you rarely have to make more than a few direction decisions along the way. It's dense urban routefinding that's the problem - you can potentially have to remember an incredible serpentine route with a turn every twenty seconds, all sorts of special-case turn restrictions, and no signs pointing the way to the specific place you're headed to.

Comment Re:Free as in beer; comes with required crapware (Score 1) 164

If you deliberately exclude the discounts when evaluating Steam's prices, then you're missing the point. Unless someone is holding a gun to your head and making you buy every game at full price, there's nothing stopping you from stuffing your account full of AAA games at prices you just don't find anywhere else.

Comment Re:Free as in beer; comes with required crapware (Score 2, Insightful) 164

Sorry, but "All DRM is evil, period" is just plain wrong, and speaks to your prejudices more than anything else. Of course, it's perfectly understandable why you have those prejudices in the first place, considering how abusively the technology has been used by the entertainment industry, but still.

The issues with the first sale doctrine are valid - but honestly, the real reason people want to sell these items second-hand is to recover some of the punishing prices that the games are being sold for new. Valve goes some way to address this with the deep discounts they offer on a lot of their products. I don't buy a game unless a) I want it badly enough to justify swallowing the initial high price, or b) it gets discounted to where it's undeniably good value. Considering the ridiculously low prices Valve sells games for on a regular basis, I think this is perfectly acceptable.

The games that charge an obscene amount for little other reason than they can (*cough*MW2*cough*) don't find their way onto my account.

And "Steam is the most onerous DRM out there today" - hyperbole much? Not to mention it's just outright wrong. *cough*Ubisoft*cough*

Comment Re:Not conclusive (Score 1) 930

"Presumably"? No, you're making a completely incorrect assumption. The black box doesn't just record 'throttle position', which is the output from the computer to the engine, it records each individual input, which includes pedal position and cruise control output.

Of course, the cruise control also drives a motor to give your foot feedback through the pedal as to where the cruise control is set, but don't fool yourself into thinking that means it doesn't know what the physical position of the pedal is too.

Brakes are a different beast, and (iirc) are never -by-wire devices, they're mechanically linked to the physical brake mechanism. Which is why your cruise control doesn't touch the brakes (except in the very newest cars with look-ahead radar). But the brake position is recorded too, and even if the car was designed by incompetents who couldn't distinguish the throttle inputs, it'd still be REALLY OBVIOUS that the brake pedal wasn't being pressed.

Comment Re:damned faintly praising? (Score 1) 436

Hah! The mp3 shuffle thing isn't a case of poor randomisation - humans just tend to pick a poor definition of random here. Usually people expect "play stuff I haven't heard recently, and in a completely new order that I haven't heard before". True random shuffle will give you songs and orders you've already heard, and your brain is good at picking them up.

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