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Submission + - Possible solution to Apple, Google, GE et al. and their devious ways (

slowLearner writes: There have been at least three articles posted on Slashdot this week about Tax payments, or lack there of, made by major corporations. I have commented on a few of those, but got tired of the constant repletion of the same issues. I think the fatigue got to a lot of people.
Anyhoo I thought this article supplied an interesting way forward.
"that freedom of information laws should be extended to the private sector" Please read the whole article before shooting me down in flames.
I know that this is not a technical article, but given the level of postings on previous topics around this there may be demand to see this on the front page. , ,


Submission + - Bombs inside terrorists (

slowLearner writes: So the next big thing in terror is to implant a bomb into a willing host. Does this mean that we will have to "harden up" to X-ray scanners at airports now. Or can we blame Christopher Nolan for this?
In some respects I am thinking this is a logical step forward for the wood be terrorist, but I am also thinking that it is also a good excuse to track everybody and not allow any people form those pesky terrorist countries onto a plane without checking them for recent scars. I still remember Dick Cheney banging on about how there were weapons of mass destruction AND that there were bunkers in the Afghan mountains that were equipped like a Bond super-villain lair.
The next question is when will they start putting them into unwilling hosts?

Comment Re:what about slashdot? (Score 1) 595

How about in 2007 and 2008 then?

Avoiding taxes is nothing new for General Electric. In 2008 its effective tax rate was 5.3%; in 2007 it was 15%. The marginal U.S. corporate rate is 35%.

And just what do you think the original article is about? is it payroll and local taxes or is it corporate taxes?
I think you will find it is a the latter and not the former.

Comment Re:Who makes the tax laws? (Score 1) 595

The flip side of this is that when Ireland was having to deal with some of the worst issues of their recession, they were unable to leverage the corporation tax to increase revenues as a group of American Corps informed them that they would leave if there was any change in threshold.

Comment Re:Why does Apple hate America? (Score 1) 599
I could be wrong but I believe that the US position on Corporation tax is that the tax is being applied for the privilege of operating a corporation and that it would be illegal to apply a tax on profits otherwise. (IANAL)

That said, even if you are correct and it is a basic right then surely with rights come responsibilities and one of the responsibilities of "doing" a business is to pay appropriate tax on any profits gained and to not evade taxation. The result of tax evasion is sometimes a fine and sometimes a custodial sentence, but I am pretty sure the Tax dude will have the power to stop a company from trading if it can be proved that the company evaded taxes.

Comment Re:Why does Apple hate America? (Score 1) 599

How much in taxes did the Apple employees pay in Federal taxes?

In my country employee taxes mostly come out of the employees wages, the company only gathers sum and gives it to the government. So technically the employees pay that for the bit of their life that they will never get back.

How much in taxes did Apple share holders pay on dividens and capital gains on their stock.

Share holders are not the same as the company, it may be that the company will hold share of itself, but are you suggesting that tax paid an another entity be counted as tax paid by Apple? If you are, could you pay my taxes for me?
Also if Apple stock lost money would you propose that Apple inc. pay tax as the stock holders would have reduced their tax bill?
Also there have been no Apple dividends

So on top of that Apple is supposed to pay too? How does that even remotely make any sense?

Well as has been pointed out before in this thread Apple and other large corporates are channelling money though third party countries to reduce, or even remove the need to pay corporation tax. Corporation tax is the price for being an American corporation and for the privilege of doing business in the USA, I am under the impression that all countries have some sort of tax like this, it is just that Apple et al don't want to pay this price. Do you think that Apple etc. should be allowed to to operate in the USA without paying their dues?

The governement is supposed to get what 90% of everything we do? How is that "fair"

No, as pointed out earlier in other posts, corporation tax is 35%. Not 90%! I know you think that you are cumulatively adding up all the payments, but really you are getting confused with gross and net profits and what taxes apply to where or when.

Of that $34 Billion dollars they made how much is that tied up in the business itself? It's like having to pay taxes on your car, but the only way to pay it is you have to sell the car. Once the car is gone how are you going to get to work? It works the same way in the corporate world.

Apple tie this money up in the business by not spending it, they are sitting on $100 Billion in cash reserves. I am not suggesting that this is wrong, they are entitled to hold as much money as they want, but it is disingenuous for you to suggest that the $34 Billion is tied up in the business.

Comment Re:Why does Apple hate America? (Score 5, Insightful) 599

Here's what happens when you try to start imposing some sort of "You're an American Company; pay American taxes" argument: Apple re-incorporates off-shore; its US operations are shunted to a US subsidiary, who works under contract with the main off-shore company. In the end, it pays a lot less tax, but is now a Cayman Islands company.

The old "if we don't pay what we want we will leave" argument. If they are not prepared to pay the appropriate taxes for the privilege of doing business in your country then why let them? This goes for Micro$oft and General Electric too!
Large corporations employ less people than small businesses (a small business is less than 500 people) and yet it is small businesses that bear the brunt of taxation while large corporates get the tax breaks, the ear of the government and multi-million-dollar CEO's

Comment Logical? (Score 2) 467


the sociologist James Henslin reported that gamblers will often throw dice harder when they want a high number," Hutson writes in his book, "as if the amount of force translates into the quantity of dots showing on a die." And that's logically equivalent to throwing darts at a picture of your nemesis, or sticking pins in a doll.

The reason I don't gamble for money especially in casinos is that the casinos are there to take my money and unless I am very good at working out the odds I will loose my money.

It doesn't seem logical for me to do this.

So using people who, by my reasoning, don't think logically as an example of how we all don't think logically doesn't really seem, well, logical.

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