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Comment paper and pencil (Score 3, Insightful) 393

Americans and Russians put people in space with the above. School education was no different. Why do people think a gadget is necessary.

And the usual defense is, "kids need to be ready for the technological working world." They'll have many, many years to become experts with technology, just through their normal use of it. And if they need to know Excel, they'll take a boring business administration course track like the rest of us.

Watch us continue going down in international match scores.

Comment Re:This is why... (Score 1) 413

Why are drivers so butt-hurt over bikes running a red light? It is not much different than jaywalking, and we all agree that jaywalking shouldn't be a ticketable offense, barring really egregious offenses of people just strolling across, normal traffic be damned. Most bikes that ran lights that I've seen did so in preservation of their own life. IE: staying out of the way of cars.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 532

So because it might affect a few people, no one should bother. I'm sure the few thousand people with rare diseases are glad pharmaceuticals didn't follow your type of thinking.

All that the OP is saying, seems to me, is to at the very least list the frequency of the panel, or address an issue that could easily be changed, but isn't because people like you are the shrug-and-put-up-with-it types. And yeah, would hate to have LED prices go up. They're so expensive right now.

Comment Re:If 51% want it blocked (Score 2) 310

Has that ever worked? You'll get to elections 3 years after the fact, and people will either have forgotten, or the opponent will have even fewer things in common with you, that you end up voting for the lesser of two evils, though it might be the one that instituted censorship. Multiply this process by everyone that votes, district shenanigans, etc, and that theory is so diluted, that it might as well be a fallacy.

Comment Re:so much for environmentally friendly (Score 1) 216

Have you compared your alleged loss due to transport to the weight savings in not lugging hundreds of pounds of batteries with you?

You shouldn't be so dismissive of an idea and pointing out the challenges as insurmountable. You should instead keep an open mind to the possibilities. Many people in the past faced almost insurmountable obstacles, but they pushed ahead and now you get to live in the great world that's around you.

I mean, who is going to run a cable from California to the UK, so that you could watch the BBC on your iPad in 720p? Think of the men that could die on that ship making the crossing.

Why are we burning all that fuel making rockets go up into space so that we have the GPS system, advanced atmospheric monitoring, and others? Someone might get hurt and a rocket might fall on someone's house. Use a map, and stick your head out the window.

Comment Re:Expensive, impractical (Score 1) 216

This isn't going to happen overnight. It would take decades. It would start as a pilot on some stretches of a main/busy route, with truck/bus traffic, and branch off from there.

Batteries have many disadvantages. They still have a limited range (some people can't stop for hours at a time to recharge on a long trip) and they weigh a lot. If you have an in-road system like this, you're shedding hundreds of pounds off the vehicle weight. Not only would that lower the amount of materials you'd need to make batteries, but it would decrease power usage exponentially.

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