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Comment Re:Breaking the stranglehold of other countries (Score 1) 332

I don't know how that will be done when so many cars parked with a person inside are idling for no reason, with mild temps that require neither aironditioning nor heat. And we're talking about needless use of gasoline which has been in the news for the past few years, and which has increased in price visibly. You then mention saving $100 per year by buying that expensive LED lightbulb, who will listen?

Comment Re:Already taxed? (Score 1) 324

Well, aren't cell taxes for the use of government owned frequencies? Some cell towers might also be on public lands.

And gas tax is meant for public road maintenance. When I am on the Turnpike, my EZ-Pass fee is what pays for this private road's maintenance. Don't confuse the two. Imagine that public roads don't exist. I pay directly for use of privately-owned infrastructure. Verizon's fiber to the house is privately owned. They pay the government taxes on it already, and pass that cost onto me. The government then taxes me again, per gigabyte used.

Sure, only sure thing is death and taxes, but let's agree that this is double taxation.

Comment Already taxed? (Score 4, Insightful) 324

Isn't the Internet already taxed? Not sure about Hungary, but most places you're taxed for the computer you buy, and for Internet service you get from a provider. The provider is likely taxed for the copper/fiber, taxed for the employees they have, the equipment they purchase. Electricity, real estate, etc related to this endeavor. That's all taxed. Sounds like a desperate government out of ideas.

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