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Comment Re:Internet should go where it should go (Score 1) 279

Are they actually moving the root DNS servers? Cause otherwise nothing has really changed except the US is no longer regulating ICANN. ICANN is still physically located in the US. If the root servers are still in the US nothing prevents the NSA/FBI/whoever from walking in and turning them off.

Comment Re:Why dealerships get a free ride (Score 1) 342

I find it hard to believe that dealers are stocking parts for every single model and year ever made. Can you really walk into a dealer and pick up a part for a '94 Honda right now?

I have an 07 and have been told "X is broke. We need to get you a new one and it's going to take us Y time." Fortunately most parts are standard so you don't need to special order an oil filter. Things like oil filters, control arm brackets, and hoses don't exactly change much year over year.

There are also a number of shops and mechanics who somehow have parts and can fix cars without running an entire dealership. When I needed the rear half of my car rebuilt, I didn't go to the dealer. I sent to a body shop and they somehow managed to get parts. I'm guessing they called the manufacturer and ordered half of a car :P

Comment Re:Risk? (Score 1) 104

Your sample set of 2 is certainly proof positive that your lifestyle will work for all 8 billion people living on this planet and anyone who is sick must have just been taking stupid risks.

The arrogance of people who believe that they know best is truly astounding. Unless you are a doctor and specifically MY doctor you have no right to judge my lifestyle. As a point of fact, my doctor specifically told me once that anything I could eat (didn't matter what, ice cream, pizza, whatever as long as it was food) I should eat. At the time I was pregnant, suffering from sever nausea, and loosing weight cause I pretty much threw everything right back up. The point is, you don't know what is driving the choices people are making. You don't know if a person is having weight problems because they are undiagnosed celiac's disease. You don't know if they are having thyroid problems. You don't know if the woman constantly eating crackers and popcorn and getting 'fat' is really pregnant and trying her best not to puke on your shoes.

It is also arrogant to assume that your particular choices will fit with everyone's needs. The 2000 calorie diet is a baseline suggestion. Athletes, pregnant women, women who are nursing, people who live in Alaska where it is fuck cold year long will need more calories. People who are sedentary or have low metabolisms will need less. Carbs and proteins both have their places in different healthy lifestyles.

Lifestyle choices are certainly important, but they are not the only factor in our health. There are a whole variety of genetic and environmental factors that also impact our health. To say that anyone who has a health problem must have made poor life choices and thus deserves to die because they are stupid says a lot about you as a person.

Comment Re:Risk? (Score 5, Interesting) 104

Cause "lifestyle choices" are why we all get sick and die? Really?

News Flash: Everyone dies.

While you can certainly make poor lifestyle choices that increase your risk, you can also make all the 'correct' choices, cut yourself while doing your healthy outdoor activities on something stupid, get flesh eating bacteria, and die.

They are not saying "these activities" are high risk, but "these compounds that everyone has and fluctuate for a variety of reasons not all controlled by the individual" indicate risk. It's like saying something like "white people have a higher risk of this fatal disease (let's say... skin cancer) so lets drop all white people and tell them well, you should have known better than to be white".

Comment Re:Negative reinforcement (Score 1) 110

You don't have kids, I take it. My three year old constantly tells me things like "I can't do it! I don't know how! Help me!" when I tell her to do things like put her pants on or take her shirt off. I usually just ignore her and let her struggle for a while unless I actually need her to be dressed or undressed. She has also yelled that she is stuck and needs help from the middle of the foam pit in her gymnastics class and desperately pleaded for me to jump in and get her. I also once told her if she jumped high enough she touch the clouds and then watched her try (this ended with her asking me for a ladder).

The trick is to recognize when the kid actually can overcome the challenge and when they can't. If they actually cannot overcome the challenge, then it is pointless to watch them struggle. Otherwise, they need to learn that they actually can get themselves out of the pit.

Comment Re:Gender neutral? (Score 1) 462

Then lets just get rid of pronouns entirely because they shoehorn all of us into categories. We can always use everyone' s name! We can then have a very precise, long winded, and repetitive language. Seriously... we have pronouns for a reason.

Unless we are going to make up new pronouns for every single gender deviation...

Comment Re:Gender neutral? (Score 2, Interesting) 462

English (like most languages) has three third person singular pronouns: 'he', 'she', and 'it'. Other languages even have gender identifying second person pronouns and gender identifying plural pronouns. English seems to have gotten jipped on the supply of pronouns. If you do not understand our array of available pronouns and their correct usage, then you obviously do not use language much.

We often apply 'he' and 'she' to non human objects, however we balk at apply 'it' to people. In fact, in most other languages each object has actually been assigned a de facto gender. English is perhaps the most gender neutral language currently in use.

We get all uppity about people referring to themselves as 'we' because it makes them sound elitist due to the historic habit of royalty using 'we', so why should we let people incorrectly use 'they'? 'They' implies that there is more than one of you. The misuse of 'they' as a gender neutral person is a terrible abuse of the language.

The fact that our literature and fiction place so much emphasis on the usage of 'it' to refer to a dehumanized creature is telling about how much importance our culture places on gender. If it is now culturally acceptable to not have a gender, then it should be acceptable to call you 'it' since the removal of the gender is no longer offensive as gender is no longer a required trait of being human.

If you have no gender and don't want to be called a 'he' or 'she', well we have to call you something so 'it' is the correct choice (unless there is more than one of you). You can't both be offended at me applying a gender to you and then offended when I don't.

Comment Re:Some issues I see (Score 1) 597

1. People who go to college and graduate, only to become stay at home dads/moms would be a burden on the system.. Easy to fix for marriages, but harder for the unmarried.

People do not always plan for that eventuality. My husband got a Masters in Nuclear Engineering... and now stays home with the kids. When he was getting his undergraduate degree he had plans to go out and work and actually spent 3 years working in industry. Then he married me, got a masters, knocked me up, and decided to stay home to play dinosaurs and sing the ABCs with the rugrats.

He might one day return to industry, or he might not. If you had told him when he started his undergraduate program he would end up a stay at home dad, he would have laughed at you. Life happens. It doesn't always go as you planned.

I don't necessarily agree with this idea of funding college through taxes, but it isn't really that much different than the current state run school system. State schools are pretty much free to residents because we all pay taxes to run them. What we need to do is to stop giving people loans to go to expensive private schools. Education is important, but you don't have the right to go to any school you choose.

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