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Comment Re:Here we go again... (Score 4, Interesting) 170

Raises hand.

My last company decided to Googleize just as I was leaving. The VeeP who set it in motion had a list of services he wanted. Thing is, we already provided nearly everything he wanted and none of the things he wanted were unique to Google's offerings. Even back then, there was a pretty significant list of services that Google had shut down and it was clear that it would be risky to heavily integrate anything beyond docs and email into our business practices. I have no idea how it turned out because my last day was in the middle of the transition.

Comment Re:Why not just multiple monitors. (Score 3, Insightful) 520

Wait for it...

60Hz is just starting to show up. Dell's got two monitors available now and 1 that should be available real soon now that do 4k at 60Hz over DisplayPort 1.2a. There are a couple other monitors out there that also do 60Hz and a TV with HDMI 2 that'll be out soon. Unfortunately there aren't many video cards that support it yet and firmware/driver issues are just starting to get ironed out. Give it another 6 months and you should be able to get a good setup for gaming. (Of course, then you might have trouble with 4k support in existing games.)

Comment Re:39" display for workstations? (Score 1) 520

Try it some time. It's amazing how quickly people will talk trash about something they've never tried.

I used a 37" 1920x1080 monitor for years before it started having image persistence problems. From 2' away, I had full view of the entire screen from both eyes (and my nose isn't tiny). I could see every part of the monitor perfectly without moving my head. It was a great monitor.

Now I'm using three 27" 2560x1440 monitors. I kinda miss the low DPI of the old monitor but I like all the extra work space. When I wrap up my current traveling phase and settle back into a house, I'm planning to replace these monitors with three 37-40" 4k displays. I figure the interfaces and driver issues will be worked out by then.

Comment Where's the "it took off ages ago" option? (Score 1) 254

They're called smartphones. Even my dad has a smartphone. I carry mine everywhere I go. It's got high speed communication, high resolution graphics, runs tons of applications, takes picture, takes video, sends said pictures and videos to social media sites, keeps my calendar with reminders and alarms, etc.

Comment Re:Cost? (Score 2) 310

Not if it Just Fucking Works. JFW is a very valuable feature.

Additionally, it looks like performance will be a priority. With gigabit connections to the home finally becoming reality, the next generation of home routers needs to kick it up a notch. This one seems like it might have a shot at handling serious bandwidth. Gigabit wired ports, gigabit-capable wireless, dual-core processor, etc. I'm looking forward to seeing the benchmarks on this thing when it's ready.

Comment Re:Why NOT bother? (Score 4, Insightful) 212

while paper books actually do have some advantages...most libraries do not carry multiple copies of that book. A major advantage here is that every one of their readers can have the exact same book on it at the exact same time so 12 people in 12 households can all enjoy it at the same time.

Except reality doesn't work that way. Those wacky rights-holders still expect to be paid for content. Whoda thunk it?

Electronic libraries have been around for years. Other than the paper, they work pretty much the same. The library licenses the content and is allowed to lend out X copies of the titles they license. If X+8 people want to borrow the same title, the 8 go on a wait list just like they would for a paper book. And the libraries often only have partial collections. They may have 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 of a series but not books 4 and 6. Why? Heck if I know but they do. Or sometimes they'll have the entire series but only 1 copy for each book so it can take forever to get them all in the correct order because book 3 has a wait list of 40 people.

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