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Comment Re:That is just mental (Score 1) 339

Every retailer knows if you give away free samples or even free products you're encouraging people to come back. To buy your new offerings. People are creatures of habit and once we like something we want more of it. This massive giveaway probably did wonders for their signup rates.

the guy shared movies from the same producer; how are there new offerings? :) unless they offer more than 10 movies.

Comment TSA only = US focused (Score 4, Informative) 199

this only applies to the TSA who actually scan and pass people around the security scanning solution based on the results of what is in the barcode. in europe, you always have to go through scanning process, regardless of what your 2D barcode has encoded within in. all the TSA is doing here, is opening up a chance for terrorists based on local soil to get through the security scanning process simpler. the challenge is that the USA has the most number of travelers through the airline system than anywhere else in the world; doing extensive security checks does choke the system - so, they need to try and filter out the more frequent/trusted flyers, the net result is they are wasting time screening some since they done screen everyone.

Comment who needs a contest; go to any university (Score 2) 24

... while i've always been a fan of IOCCC contests, when i was teaching C programming - most of the students source code could be considered entries to such a competition :) gone are the days where we used to write clean, understandable code. i always joke when doing presentations about the fact that the reason why most people are afraid of C as a programming language is because other people write horrible C.. if you write good, clean, understandable C - it is an excellent language :)

Comment start over - from scratch, 20 years is a long time (Score 1) 530

Never liked anything 'lower-level' than C

you say you were a programmer 20+ years ago? the only decent options back then were ASM, and the concept of OO wasn't even born yet - you left the industry because you were not capable of being in it in the first place. times have changed; all the old skool boys have stuck with C - specifically focusing on embedded environments (C, C++, objective-C) and the newbies (kids) are playing with managed code these days. CPU's are 1000x faster, RAM is 100x more available - you will have a better chance starting from scratch than trying to recuperate what you knew before.

Comment Re:Emulator download? (Score 1) 54

i thought it would have been cool to get involved (been programming 20+ years now) - but the focus is really on high school students, so it needs to be dumbed down a little bit - if anyone has programmed for embedded environments, the idea of a restrictive IDE forcing you to do some things is a good thing. what they done want is a stack overflow on a unit in space :) not like you can remotely log into it to reboot it :) i would be interested in being a mentor to a group of students located in Munich, it sounds like a fun project.

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