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Comment Re:It's about time (Score 1) 547

Again, it talking about changes around the end of the 90 and the 00's, this shows a smoothing of the 20s to 40s spike in temperatures, erasing the heat wave of the 30s, and making the temperature record look like it slopes up in the 20th century, rather than spiking in the 30s, dipping in the 70s, and then climbing back up in the 90s and 00s.

You will also note that the EPA did not get the message about Global warming.


Comment Re:Massive conspiracy (Score 1) 465

The missing emails is hardly the only evidence here either.

It is the evidence of a coverup that is what pushed Nixon over the line, and it should be here too. Obama simply does not have that type of character that would require him to resign in shame. In this case, Obama is shameless.

As for impeachment... not going mean much if there is a Democrat controlled Senate, they will never take action, just like the case of Clinton.

Comment Re:Most qualified and motivated candidates? (Score 1) 435

And that is the number one criteria: Do you have a passion for IT?

I would suggest that the things we do in IT generally don't appeal to everyone. For one, it requires that level of focus and single-mindedness that is common in autistics and near autistic spectrum people.

And Autism, that sexist condition, occurs at 1:4.3 ration F:M.

So it is self selecting.

Comment Re:1st Amendment rights?? (Score 1) 347

You could put it that way, that the IRS was looking for motes in the Republican cases, while ignoring the OFA plank.

Plank technically, not a boulder, but the same idea.

These organizations don't have to report donations, but the OFA was collecting $500k for access to the President in 2013, and had a goal of $50 Million:

President Obama’s political team is fanning out across the country in pursuit of an ambitious goal: raising $50 million to convert his re-election campaign into a powerhouse national advocacy network, a sum that would rank the new group as one of Washington’s biggest lobbying operations.

Giving or raising $500,000 or more puts donors on a national advisory board for Mr. Obama’s group and the privilege of attending quarterly meetings with the president, along with other meetings at the White House.

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