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It's Time To Bring Pseudoscience Into the Science Classroom 470

Hugh Pickens DOT Com (2995471) writes "'Roughly one in three American adults believes in telepathy, ghosts, and extrasensory perception,' wrote a trio of scientists in a 2012 issue of the Astronomy Education Review. 'Roughly one in five believes in witches, astrology, clairvoyance, and communication with the dead (PDF). Three quarters hold at least one of these beliefs, and a third has four distinct pseudoscientific beliefs.' Now Steven Ross Pomeroy writes in Forbes Magazine that it's time to bring pseudoscience into public schools and universities. 'By incorporating examples of pseudoscience into lectures, instructors can provide students with the tools needed to understand the difference between scientific and pseudoscientific or paranormal claims,' say Rodney Schmaltz and Scott Lilienfeld." (Read more, below.)

Comment Re:Medicalizing Normality (Score 1) 558

You would have to make the case that autism is inherently bad for the human race, and that is not established yet.

And why we WON'T evolve much anymore, we are no longer isolated groups of humans, and we are enforcing conformity where before it was would autistic survive in the wild or not?

I suspect that severe ones would not, while mild or mid level ones might survive in the form of holy men, oracles, etc....

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