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Comment Re:Surprising to anyone? (Score 1) 629

I liked Ron Paul. I'm probably going to switch over to the Pirate Party though. What the nation needs is a president who takes the kind of action that makes people shat their pants. Unfortunately, you'll never see that with the conspiring corporate sponsered candidates which everybody seems to go for.

Comment The Maturation of the American Economy (Score 1) 149

X86 cpu manufacturer can and should survive. Maybe Intel or Microsoft or Apple will buy them out to put them out of their misery. The quicker customers can box themselves in the better. Choice is fleeting and obviously, chooses the current "best" processor is always in your "best" interest with no thought of the long term. But maybe Arm really is meant to eventually replace the X86 architecture.

Comment Re:Played the demo at Target (Score 1) 138

I worked at target for a while and Target's setup for the Wii tends to look exceptionally fugly. (I'm not sure if that is the effect of component cables.) Though you would think that modern HDTVs would be able to cheaply include some kind of filter to emulate the look of old SDTVs. You can blame SD equipment, but shouldn't you be partially blaming the equipment made to display the SD signal?

Comment Kill myself (Score 1) 803

Meh. I didn't quite get through my degree in school because of severe mental stress caused by my leg and family issues. I have no degree, so it's hard to get a job in my major for Computer Science or minor Japanese. I'm doing some work for an indian company right now so I am hoping for about 400 a month. You can say, "FUCK YOU YOU GIMP, GET A FUCKING RETAIL JOB AND WORK YOUR SHIT. I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE MISSING A FUCKNIG LEG." But that is the reason why I ran away to Seattle to kill myself in front of the student loans office. Fuck OWS.

Comment Re:I can't possibly be the only one... (Score 1) 156

... who thinks that a name like 'Pirate Party' sounds like some sort of childish joke. They might have serious intentions, but I could no more bring myself to take them seriously than I could one called the "purple polka dot clowns party".

I think it is precisely that status-quo thinking that got us where were are now. Are we better for it? I personally don't think so because it cultivates a corporate type of conformist culture. Almost like how Democrats and Republicans really are the same thing dispite what many may say.

Comment hang myself (Score 1) 917

I lost my leg to cancer when I was 12. I went to college, thinking I could make it through, but eventually the pain from my leg started taking a strong enough mental toll that I stopped going after 4 years. I started working at Target for minimum wage when the hydraulics on my knee went up. But I was making too much to fix it. But I have student loans. But my body didn't want to keep up for 40 hours a week.

That is why I came to the conclusion the only way for change is to hang myself. It is the only way for change in this society. I am in Seattle now homeless. I just dropped everything in New York to come here. I am waiting for the rain season to come so my spirits can become low enough to do it.

That is what student loans are about. Driving handicapped young men in their 20s to hang themselves. Fuck you America.

Comment The correct spot for the dimples are over the... (Score 2) 362

D and K keys. They are where you place your longest fingers in the home row. Only a moron would put them over F and J (but then that explains the layout of Qwerty). If you don't believe me, go into a pitch black room and try to feel out the home row. First using your index fingers, then using your middle fingers. Once you find the home row with your pointer fingers, it is a lot harder to seat your other fingers because you have to twist your hands to make them touch first.

The only time the dimples on the D and K keys makes sense is when you are staring at the keyboard. But that isn't touch typing now, is it? /end inflammatory dialog

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