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Comment Re: Well, the GSA could start firing the contracto (Score 1) 124

You're right - advocates of privitization have always claimed that no private person will ever screw up. Wait, no. So, better to hire somebody who cannot be fired ... because they'll never screw up? Are you sure this story isn't proving the opposite of what you think if does?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Thirty Five

Destiny woke me up about seven thirty; I'd been the one up early the day before because of that engine. "Wake up, sleepyhead, or you won't have time for breakfast." She'd already made coffee had the robots make chicken cheese omelets. God but I love that woman, meeting her was the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. Of course, were it not for the monsters I'd never have met her. You take the wonderful with the insanely horrible, I gues

Comment Re: Alternative explanation (Score 1) 398

If there are many paths to a node their system should be choosing the fastest path.Verizon obviously is not doing that and deliberately allowing congestion.

And Netflix would happily give them OpenConnect appliances too, to avoid _their_ bandwidth costs as well. But Netflix competes with Verizon's VoD services - this isn't hard to figure out.

There are at least three underlying problems for the congestion issue - one is the DMCA and related copyright laws that prevent any sort of sane caching, the general fear of multicast that everybody on the Internet still seems to have (half a million unicast streams of the same show is insane - where are the global warming people on this?), and the grants of monopolies and/or prohibitions on competition that prevent local competition.

Label me shocked if the Netflix app on mobile devices does not have a P2P mode working in the lab right now, as a workaround for us running a sub-par Internet.

Comment Re:SLS and comparing to spacex (Score 1) 132

The SLS is not a deep space vehicle. It's a vehicle to divert tax payer money into the pocket of private enterprises that give a share to politicians. Assuming it ever takes off, it'll be an outdated overpriced piece of shit.

Understanding this provides predictive capability - that there's basically zero chance that the project will be canceled or defunded, for the reasons you stated.

Comment So, split DNS then? (Score 1) 92

What a junk article - no explanation of what's actually going on and no link to a standard.

It sounds like what they're inferring is that you need, not server.local or server.somemadeupcrap.

I think most of us cleaned up that cruft when BIND 9 came out with views support.
    This shouldn't impact anybody who hasn't been dragging their heels on fixing their infrastructure for more than a decade.

Comment Re:Wikipedia Never Bans Vandals? (Score 1) 165

Looking into this, this ip address has been vandalising Wikipedia for over 4 years now...

C'mon, we're working hard enough to undo the "an IP address is a person" myth, to keep the government from smashing people who have shared wifi/tor exits/etc., without perpetuating it ourselves.

You'll notice a few helpful edits from staffers too - only most of them on Capitol Hill are psychopaths, not all of them. Probably the good editors already have accounts, though.

Comment Re:I will invest in that. (Score 2) 168

But amazon has been telling "screw you" to investors ever since it went public in 1998. How long is their long term plan? The only reason investors are tolerating this is because the stock price has gone up as apparently there is no shortage of people who think that huge profits are just around the corner.

It's not quite that simple - there are profits at Amazon - they are just in certain divisions that are then funding the money-losing divisions.

Amazon takes a profitable business (remember when they sold BOOKS?) and makes it profitable, but takes those profits to invest in something crazy (like NOT BOOKS, or Kindle, or Prime) and then those divisions get profitable and the cycle repeats.

If Amazon ever wanted to stop growing as a company it could kill off the non-profitable divisions and show a dividend in short order. This is why the stock has value. Perhaps too much, but the entire market is in a bubble, so it's hard to dice which part of the stock price is which. In some ways stock prices are relative with an absurd floor.

Investors who have no appetite for such companies can - :gasp: - invest in other companies.

Comment Re:Gots to find more ways to avoid taxes (Score 1) 533

I cite every hellhole third world country in the world as my reference, where this is exactly what happens, with few exceptions

You're citing examples of corrupt governments as reasons why we need to have corrupt governments.

You have an extremely poor understanding of how power works.

See above.

Comment Vaccine in the 2030's? (Score 1) 170

The story I read before this one was about a malaria vaccine that was developed in the early 90's, was known to be effective by '97, and has been awaiting approval since then, while ten million people died from the disease.

Really, though, it was only ten million families who had to lose their loved ones - that's a small price to pay for the paperwork being in order.

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