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Comment Re:please please please (Score 2) 250

I got this link from my twitter feed, based on the assumption that Dart is Dash renamed.

So there's hope.

As for why one wouldn't be estatic over javascript, there are many good reasons in that email, many others in The Good Parts book.

There's always room for something better, while not denegrating the existing.

Comment Re:I am not sure why... (Score 1) 89

What I do to make it interesting for myself is to decide on one particular application, and then build that application in every language I know, and every language I learn.

It teaches me the differences between the languages, and some of their relative strengths and weaknesses. (plus it gives a portfolio of my work, since the programs I work on for my job are not showcaseable).

Lots of people would be bored to death by that approach, but I bet they each have their own.

If you learn well from books, get them second hand (god knows I won't pay full price for them), or see how decent your local inter-library loan is.

If you can learn well online, there are resources. Take Ruby for example, there are Hello World tutorials, language tutorials, and plain old up and running tutorials.

But I think that the best way to go is to get some comfort with how to get up and running with the language, and then just dive in and develop something, looking up as you go.

If you wanted to learn something like ASP.NET MVC you've got great resources over at that are free. And the website spark program from Microsoft to get you access to the software you may need.

Comment Re:I am not sure why... (Score 4, Informative) 89

I feel like all the training I did to be able to code games** in a PC is going to be obsolete before I know it.

**or any other desktop coding

welcome to the world of developing.

This is how it's been, and how it will continue to be. Keep growing your skill set and you'll be fine (and a better programmer for it).

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 303

Add to that, developers develop an affinity for their main IDE.

I'm primarily on .net all day, every day, which makes switching to Eclipse a pita every time I go and play with different languages.
(netbeans less so because I used it for Java development in school)

I've been interested in Python for ages, but between all the other languages I've had to learn, and still need to learn, I haven't made the time for it. Being able to use it in VS will make it more likely it'll be one of the next languages I learn.

Comment Re:Well, at least it's opt-in (Score 1) 171

Wikipedia's image filter would just hide images per default, you're still able to see them with just one click, at any time.

YOU however, are the one to decide if the images are even hidden in the first place, on only your account.

That's a pretty important distinction.

Comment Re:Sales tax (Score 2) 440

In the US, sales taxes are mostly not shown in the advertised price. Whereas VAT is mostly always already included in the advertised price.

A $200 item in the states, purchased in a shop or online from a website with a B&M in the state you're shipping to, will cost $200 +x%

A £300 item in the UK will cost... £300

Comment Re:Many have moved to Rift (Score 1) 413

Rift is a step sideways from WoW in a number of good ways, and similar in a number of boring/bad ways. Not gonna proselytize it however, but the actual rift (small r) mechanics are good and the way the treat classes is a nice change from you picked "x" therefore you are a healer/tank/dps and never shall you do anything else. My sub probably won't last past my next re-up though. I know a lot of us are waiting on Guild Wars 2, and another subset of us is also waiting on The Secret World.

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We want to create puppets that pull their own strings. - Ann Marion
