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Comment Re:Data, or logic? (Score 1) 8

That's why I'm convinced that you have to make the arguments substantial. If there is a design point to make, fine. Do it.
But don't waste time on stylistic arguments.

Comment Re:Two words: HELL YES! (Score 1) 42

Your 'morality' is extremely asymmetrical.

Absolute truth is defined by God. Mankind is existentially estranged from the essential goodness of creation in God's image (Tillich). Past that, I'm unclear as to what "it" is in your formulation. "It" appears to be a handwave upon which an accusation is based.

Comment Don't besmirch Her Majesty (Score 1) 11

She's "deserves" the Oval Office because it's "her turn".


Which is precisely why he'll take the nomination and clear the decks of those pesky Tea Party voters.

Comment Re:Who owns the definition? (Score 1) 42

I don't approve of torture.
However, if you're operating anywhere above the Amish subsistence farming level, then you're either implicitly or explicitly, directly or indirectly, interacting with a government that has done Nasty things. You're not impressive, nor are you doing much that I can see to minimize the practice.

Comment Re:Gawd, I love that man (Score 1) 95

So, what do you figure we should prosecute first? Benghazi or this torture thing?

Which one involved actual loss of life and distorted an election?
If we can't hold police accountable when appropriate, when are we going to prosecute politicians?
Would your torture prosecutions begin at square #1, i.e., the Clinton Administration?

Comment Re:Gawd, I love that man (Score 1) 95

When, seriously, did

Threatening to usurp power that was never assigned to the VP to break a supreme court tie?

occur? Can you please provide a link? I'm genuinely curious what Darth Cheney is purported to have done.

Holding secret meetings with industry leaders to use to dictate legislation?

When, how, what? The VP breaks ties in the Senate, IIRC.

Telling someone on the senate floor "go fuck yourself"?

And now you're gonna get all Speech Police? Time for a new tampon, in my estimation.

hardly even scratching the surface of how Cheney was blatantly using the constitution as toilet paper

Wait, so, a bit of potty mouth is 'using the constitution as toilet paper'. Tell me, are you strangely comfortable with Obama's Executive Amnesty? Let me guess: it's "fair"?

I wouldn't tolerate it from Biden, nor would you.

Oh, come on: Uncle Choo-Choo is the Court Jester. He makes as many borderline comments as he wants, and shag-all is said.
What a sanctimonious putz you are.

Comment Re:Two words: HELL YES! (Score 1) 42

Your scenarios don't involve you holding an office, with possibly numerous lives hanging in the balance. Hopefully, such a situation never finds either of us. But let me offer that, in a zero-sum situation, your cricket bat might be called into action that any morally lively person will have problems managing after the fact.

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