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Comment Re:"redemption" (Score 1) 51

And that's really where I think a lot of my Protestant brothers are incorrect -- they focus too much on whether a person is "saved" and not what happens afterward. What MUST happen afterwards that the faith should bear fruit, otherwise, the faith is dead. (Those who keep the faith to the end...)

And of course works flow naturally from salvation. The notion that there are some metrics associated with demonstrating salvation, itself, is an equal and opposite bugaboo. You fully grasp, I'm sure, that any mortal system implies the potential for rigging.

The segregation I see in the Protestant Community really bothers me. "Oh, we only send our kids to christian school (or homeschool)" -- meaning that there are fewer points of light in the public schools.
Or, "We only buy Christian media" -- fine, but then without Christian influence the culture rots faster.

Given my sons are 3yrs old and 3mos old, I understand the argument all too well. Just because Jesus reserve a millstone for those who offend the little ones affords me scant motive to offer MY two kids. Let me double down. I can recite John 3:16 all day, but that ain't jack for motivation to donate even 50% of mine to these Godless Commie Sodomites. Giving people the Good News is not the same as giving people your offspring.

Start throwing some (metaphorical) punches at the culture.

Ponder, if you will, the case of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East: have we become more like them? They sure as sugar haven't become much more like us in any way I can identify. By all means, let us interact in ways with 'the world' that drive the world toward Christ. If the interactions move the system the other way. . .

Comment Re:"redemption" (Score 1) 51

Many Christians mistakenly believe that once "saved", always "saved", therefore they can do as they please because grace covers it.

Show me the mature Christian that buys off on the "Jesus the blank check" theory. That immature notion indicates an utter non-grasp of the New Testament in general, and the Roman Epistle in particular.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 14

You first. Please indicate how pantheism is functionally different from atheism: he who believes everything may not believe nothing, but continuously variable belief is just so much hot air.
If your compass can't claim to indicate true North, what good is it? A doorstop, I suppose.

Comment Re:"redemption" (Score 1) 51

That flies against free will. One could, theoretically, at some future date, reject Christianity and lose their salvation.

Again, I'm not sure you're any more capable of un-saving yourself than you were saving yourself in the first place.

This is probably the wrong venue for this discussion though.

Why so? I know some people on here that really, really need to ponder this ssuff.

earnestly asking Christ to deliver him

Fair enough. Where I can't follow is the need to set up point systems. The auto-salavtion plan is laid out in Job 40. tl;dr: you're toast.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 14

You rebel through disobeying. "Against God" means neglecting what it says in His Word, the Bible. As a Christian, if you are in sincere prayer, you can ask, and expect to hear an answer harmonious with that Word. And frequently, that Word is going to drive you to do things that are "against self"; that is, what the natural, carnal flesh would advise you do.

Comment Re:So, if idiots have power. . . (Score 1) 19

Your continued displays of pure tribalism and idolization of personality is proof.

The only thing I've ever sincerely hated is the tendency of the many to grind down the individual.
The rest of your accusations seem to boil down to idolatry. No, thank you.

Comment Re:"redemption" (Score 1) 51

I'm not persuaded that, once properly accepted, salvation can be relinquished (Rom8:38)
As for faith bearing fruit: what specific fruit did the saved thief on the cross beside Christ bear? Not to discount the book of James; I certainly concur on an integral/derivative relationship between works and faith. However: no scoring!

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