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Comment Re:You wanted his strategy... (Score 1) 36

Given the fragility of the human mind, and the inevitability of the final heartbeat, I'm comfortable asserting that anyone putting faith in a mere human being is a right idiot.
Never, ever go past provisional confidence.

Comment Re:Yep, another botched job, or was it?? (Score 1) 50

Yeah, I don't really "admire" anyone in politics; they're all guilty until proven innocent, in my experience. And even then, one may have overlooked a body. You never tire of flogging this dead horse, though; I guess your energy is admirable, for all the prime mover doesn't appear attached to a useful load.

Comment Re:You wanted his strategy... (Score 1) 36

You're the one doing the accusing, what, for six years now?

I find out the most amazing things from reading your replies.

Actually you have yet to show that it has ever changed over the last 10,000.

Wait, I thought you were an Evolution supporter, or are you denying that and climate change in one swell foop, thou great curmudgeon?

Comment It's almost as though the two-party system's farce (Score 1) 4

I mean, if I were less credulous, I might think that the Progressive Project was all a big scam to skew the ratio of elected representatives in favor of a vast bureaucracy that was servant to a small number of oligarchs.
If only there were some. . .document. . .some legal piece of paper. . .that could have ensured better checks and balances, and kept the government a legitimate servant of the people. Such a document would have to be kept as clear and simple as the U.S. Constitution to have even a chance at success, however.

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