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Comment Re:Fucking Lawyers (Score 1) 181

That's a hard position to take here with all the opinionated freeloading IP burglars since when they are not whining about ISPs (ex. Comcast, ATT) limiting their content stealing abilities

How is it "content stealing" to view licensed video through Netflix? Or are you claiming that Netflix's license to the video it offers is invalid?

or criticizing anyone (ex. Microsoft) who wishes to turn a hard-earned buck for the quality software they produce at great expense

Most of us don't criticize wanting to earn a buck. We criticize anticompetitive methods of doing so, such as exclusive (or effectively exclusive) deals with all leading manufacturers of a particular class of hardware.

the residents spew their hateful anger at those (ex. Oracle) who wish to protect their IP

What is "IP"? Copyright, patent, trademark, and trade secret are very different beasts. If you mean copyright, say copyright. If you mean patent, say patent. If you mean trademark, say trademark. If you mean trade secret, say trade secret. Or did you mean stealing an IP address?

from downright theft

Copyright infringement and theft are distinct offenses. In the United States, the former is always federal, and the latter is generally handled by the several states, becoming federal only if goods are carried across state lines.

Comment Re:TRWTF: List is used instead of Map (Score 1) 128

How the heck was I supposed to know that a 64 bit flat architecture (pointer range compare across arrays = flat arch) would someday come along that still set int to 32 bits?

How the heck were you supposed to know that your code would run on a flat architecture? Pointer range comparison across unrelated C arrays has been undefined behavior as long as I can remember. Besides, even among flat architectures, the common ABI for the 65816 has 24-bit pointers and 16-bit ints, and the common ABI for the 68000 has 32-bit pointers and 16-bit ints.

Comment TRWTF: List is used instead of Map (Score 1) 128

I'm on the autism spectrum, and I see "private member variables with no setters" as more than likely a class representing an immutable value, such as a decimal floating point value, a big integer value, a date, a string, or whatever. An immutable class sets its fields in its constructors, and then various getters return various transformations of these fields.

Then I read the article, and I was right: sparse array entries are immutable. But the real WTF is that sparse array entries are stored in a List, not a Map. The getValueAt method in a sparse array backed by a List are O(n), whereas it'd be O(log(n)) if it used a Map.

Comment The Treasury (Score 1) 104

But this was about Roman coins with Caesar's likeness on them. I don't see a picture of Obama on the dollar bill.

The ministry of Jesus of Nazareth (29-33 CE) took place during the Tiberius administration (14-37 CE). I imagine that coins in circulation when Tiberius took office would have had a portrait of a past Roman head of state, such as Augustus Caesar. I'm no expert on the history of Roman coinage, and thus I don't know whether Rome recalled old coins after a new emperor took office or whether they were still usable after 20 years. But given the use of the generic "Caesar" rather than "Augustus" or "Tiberius", we can suppose for the moment that the portrait and the scripture refer to the office, not necessarily the person.

All current Federal Reserve Notes carry an engraving of a Founding Father or past President of the United States as well as the signature of the Secretary of the Treasury, who oversees the department that includes the Internal Revenue Service, who had been most recently appointed by the President at the time of printing. The office represented by the portrait of President George Washington is currently occupied by Washington's successor Barack Obama, and these two 1 USD notes in my wallet carry signatures of John W. Snow and Timothy F. Geithner. Together, they represent the U.S. Treasury, and thus a follower of Jesus ought to pay the Treasury's things to the Treasury.

Comment Crash of 1983 (Score 1) 249

There was less curation in the market back then, and by 1983, retail shelves were full of poorly balanced games. In addition, some distributors were doing sleazy business deals where they'd offer a money-back guarantee for returned games but then go bankrupt in order not to have to honor the contract. These led up to the North American video game recession of 1983-1984, which is why consoles to this day have lockout chips.

Comment Where should settings be stored? (Score 1) 517

No apps SHOULD NOT write to the registry ever with the exception of an installation.

Instead of the registry, where should an application write user preferences? I thought it was a requirement at one point that desktop applications with a Windows Logo certification shall save preferences to the registry instead of to INI, JSON, XML, or whatever files in %APPDATA%.

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