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Comment Re:Okay, what is it? (Score 2) 88

Exactly. Even on a site for Computer Geeks and Nerds, It is silly to think we know of every new fangled device that is released, and their particular marketing claims of the day.
Being the poster contracted for the company, it probably means he is engulfed in the sales and marketing of the company and makes him believe that this is a really popular product. While it just covers a small niche.

Comment Re:This is ridiculous! (Score 4, Interesting) 328

Well Uber, is a good way for people to create/supplement their income with a relatively low starting cost.

The problem with today's economy, it is too tough for the average citizen to work to control their income, If they work part time, they get unpredictable hours so they cannot get a second job, If they work full time, they are either salaried or forced to work their hours.

Our IT infrastructure, has created many good Starter jobs (Mail Room) obsolete, So you will need to be skilled in order to get in.

I will need to applaud Uber, as its business model, allows for people to work for their money, the harder they work the more they get paid.

Comment Re:Mixed reaction (Score 1) 328

Why should the government try to protect an old business model from a new one?
The real issue should be is evaluating regulations that the Taxi companies have to follow and the rules that Uber drivers do not. I am willing to guess there is a happy middle ground there... Where Taxi Companies with less restrictive regulations can compete better with Uber. However insuring the Uber Drivers meet with a particular safety and quality standard.

Comment Re:Salespeople making salespitch (Score 1) 387

Somewhat tangential. A while ago I worked in the Computer Lab for my College's Department of Physics, Math, and Computer Science. There was a student who asked me if we had a calculator. Figuring that it was a student who was taking the remedial math classes, I showed him that there was the calculator app in windows. Then I went to his computer to show him where it was, he had Maple (Kinda like MatLab, a sophisticated math software package) open, often used for Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory (Was able to produce 4D graphs), or Differential Equations. I kept my cool and showed him the calculator app. And also if you just type the arithmetic in Maple and hit enter it will give you the answer as well.

Comment Re:Why Would You Settle? (Score 3, Informative) 124

The problem is often the requirements are difficult or near impossible to Implement, hunse why these guys use this to make money. It is a law designed to force people to fail, because it is too overreaching. There is a wide area of disabilities that the ADA covers. So chances are you may be missing some, or implemented incorrectly. That Ramp may be too much of a slope... However if you go any further it could disrupt traffic, or be a tripping hazard. Paying the fine, is sometimes cheaper and less handle then trying to change it.

Comment Re:As much as I hate Prenda... (Score 1) 124

Good accessibility is really hard to obtain.
Should we sue an Art Museum? Because blind people cannot see the paintings, and are not allowed to touch them?
Today's modern web is not so much about displaying documents that will link to their references, but more of an application front end engine.

Back in the early 00's We could make a nice website that looks good and is accessible. Today that is much harder, as the usage of a web page, is less of a poster board for static information, but much more interactive. Instead of suing the Creators of the content, the target should go to the web browser makers who have failed to make a good acceptable browser.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 121

Well the bad guys were... Being that it was created 32 years after World War 2.
The Nazis are still considered the group of people who are at their worst, and could have won.
Sure we had Communists and Terrorist but they are seen as less of a Evil or Major Threat.
The Terrorists are considered an Evil group. However they are are just a bunch of bullies, who haven't (compared to the military actions in the past) gained much foothold.
The Communists were less Evil, but more a solid threat, the Soviets had taken control of many countries, and having a Nuclear Arsenal as well made them really scarry.

Comment Perhaps they should have studied Roman Law? (Score 4, Insightful) 121

It isn't like the partial law from Star Wars isn't based on the well documented Roman System of governance.
You know the idea that there was a Republic system of government with a constitutional rule that will grant someone emergancy full authority in times of war. Which was abused by Julius Caesar to allow him to create the Roman Empire. Or was it Senator Palpatine who created the Galactic empire?

Comment Re:So, we're going to get Toyota clones? (Score 1) 287

Also it wasn't Windows, that sparked the Clone market, it was Good old DOS.
By the time Windows 3.0 (The first popular version) came out MS DOS was king, you went to a software store, you will have a shelf for Apple, a half shelf for Amiga and Commodore, then the rest of the store was for MS DOS IBM Compatibles.

But we Bought IBM Compatible computers, because they were cheaper, and they were no issues with quality. If you buy a Honda compatible car. Will it have the reliability and quality that we connect to Honda. Hyundai seems to have been trying to make mock luxury cars... They look attractive, have all the bells and whistles. But where are all the Hundia fans? There seems to be a lot of people with issues with them.

Comment Re:You're dying off (Score 2) 287

I think it isn't an issue of difference in the generations, Millennials vs Gen X, but just an issue of Age, where 25 year old are not dieing out they are constantly being replenished.

16-25 Is the time you are experiencing your independence. Going to college living on your own, hanging out with friends, It is new and exciting, you have little responsibilities (At least responsibilities with a short term effect), A car with a lot of gizmos that is sleek and fast, means you would be the one who is driving, the ones who the people will hand out with you for.

Then By the 25 age range, real life kicks in, you got a Job, have to pay for Rent or a Mortgage, you may be starting a family whose needs and wants exceed your own. While those Gizmos may be cool and fun, they are no longer your major concern. Now this isn't all that bad, you are more mature and comfortable with yourself, things don't bother you so much, but you also need such distractions as well.

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