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Comment Re:Defects fixed for proprietary may differ. (Score 1) 209

So hows that Kool-Aid?

It's delightful but you seem to have missed the point. I am saying that people are free to fix bugs at their leisure for FOSS projects, for enterprise applications you are not permitted (usually) to fix a bug because it exists. You have to prove that there is a value add from fixing the bug and that value add cannot be that it makes your life easier (unless you can provide quantitative measures of productivity increase)

Comment Re:Defects fixed for proprietary may differ. (Score 1) 209

Correct, as a developer I'd like to fix bugs in my enterprise level software but the overhead required to do so is high enough to outway the benefits.

On the other hand, if you are a developer for a FOSS project you are able to correct broken code at your leisure, submit it for peer review and have it accepted. The overhead is still there but it's spread out to feel less visible (IMHO). I'm perfectly fine writing a fix and having it be rejected for being inadequate. I'm less okay with spending 4 hours having people sign things so that I can correct a defect that takes 2 minutes of development work.

Comment Re:Why Amazon (Score 1) 18

Samsung, one of the (if not THE) leaders in display manufacturing technology, could not find a profitable way to make these things. And now Amazon - an internet ecommerce website that has zero manufacturing experience or capacity - wants to see if it can do any better?

Perhaps Amazon is one of the only clients of this firm. After all the type of displays they make are ereader displays. It would cut Amazon's overhead by having their own manufacturing and give Samsung capital to hire more lawyers.

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