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Comment Re:The problem with these (Score 1) 314

Who is everyone that insists they are 100% healthy? From what I've seen, the makers of these e-cig products are going out of their way to not claim health benefits. They claim other benefits like not smelling of smoke, and potentially not have to go outside all the time. its just a different way to get your fix.

Comment Re:Not Intended for Quitting (Score 1) 314

i have never been a habitual smoker. but i am a nervous, anxious person and occasionally smoke cigarettes for the calming effect. its got me through getting my drivers license. there are things i do to keep myself from becoming addicted. (First advantage is I never tried it when I was a teen, thats probably the biggest help) I never smoke for work/daily related stress and on the occasion that i do have a cig i make sure to not have another that same day. Cigarettes are gross and i've never had the urge to have a smoke for the smoke's sake. The 1 thing the nay sayers have against ecigs is its still addictive. But that argument means nothing to me since I'm not an addict. I wouldn't even care if the same restrictions applied to e-cigs as regular cigs. Just let me buy them. They are not available in my town, and online stores won't ship them here.

Comment Re:Insurance? (Score 1) 293

I assume the guy is planning to release the source code chunk by chunk but hes at risk of being interrupted and arrested. His insurance policy makes sense because hes saying "you can arrest me but if you do then hundreds more will have access to the source and then you'll have to find them all too"

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