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Comment Re:This kind of thing is why FDIC exists (Score 1) 695

Everything you say is true, however with Bitcoin we have *provable deposits* -- you can actually verify that your bitcoin is stored, or is not stored in the bank. MtGox, of course, did not support this, and due to their first mover advantage they were able to stay in business regardless. This is likely not something that will be repeated very often -- sooner or later people will figure out the security requirements to store their bitcoin. Of course, that's a moving target -- motivated attackers will then force us onto higher ground, but still.

Comment Re:First! (Score 1) 254

Let's start with facial recognition of every person you walk by -- you can know who they are, what their interests are, what their occupation is, how you are connected to them and how much you can easily trust them and who trusts them of people you trust. Then we'll go to a dating app -- what lines/tactics have been used in getting in woman Y's pants? Applied psychographics apps to help suggest ideas of what to talk about and how to interact with people. Apps to allow you to share what you see, realtime, to anyone who needs it. Most of these are one app and some back end servers away right now. The data and most components needed to write it are already available.

Comment Re:AKA Google drives Bitcoin Into Mainstream use (Score 1) 347

newbies get less and less as more and more people join.

As a mining system/wealth distribution system, sure. But mining on bitcoin is pretty much completely insignificant compared to the rest of its uses these days. It is the trade value, not the storage value, where the interestingness of bitcoin truly lies.

Comment Re:Steady increase (Score 1) 154

Why do you expect the prosecutor not to prosecute him under the law when he clearly violated the law?

The whole point of this thread is not that the prosecutor shouldn't have, but that the system is broken if it causes this situation to arise in the first place, which it has, dozens of times if not more.

Comment Re:This bit bothers me for some reason (Score 1) 94

I would argue #1 isn't either of those...it's to form emotional, intellectual and social bonds with people who are going into your field. To know who knows and thinks what and why. To understand not just the problems of your field, but who's working on them and how far they've gotten, and the motivations for all of it. Science occurs in a context, and we go to school to take part in that context. Of course you have to be capable of the above, too, but this is an example of a higher level goal.

Watson will be able to outpace us in this area, someday, too. All it needs is to marry Siri or Google and all our motivations and social bonds become compromised to it.

Comment Re:What is Toronto?????? under US citys (Score 1) 94

On the contrary -- it's us who gets it wrong

Really, under any sane interpretation of north american politics, Toronto *is* under the sphere of influence, militarily(wasn't US force used during G20?), culturally(American TV & movies, etc) and so on of the centres of power in the US. For all intents other than taxes and other relatively insignificant matters, Watson was *right*.

People in Toronto are basically US subjects, with taxation(Canada giving the US government handouts for softwood lumber, etc) but no representation.

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