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Comment Re:Repeatable as Fuck (Score 1) 209

So you actually know you have a consciousness.

Well since I am talking about it, I believe I have a consciousness, I think therefore I am.

Do you not even find that experience remarkable?

Not really no, I think it is just a side effect of our intelligence.

You said: "To me consciousness is just memory and the ability to make decisions based on old memories" but assuming a universe with just our current known laws of physics, couldn't you/something have memory and the ability to make decisions WITHOUT having this consciousness that you know you experience? There is no need for it to "magically" be there right? Something could do 1+1=10 without requiring consciousness. Matter and molecules arranged in a certain way could do all the same things our bodies do without it too right?

I think your problem with all this is that you think your consciousness is something special and is somehow like a "soul" or something magical, but it isn't because we are just biological creatures.

Comment Re:Repeatable as Fuck (Score 1) 209

There's no difference for you? Are you're saying that you personally can't tell the difference between you having consciousness or not? You're not a conscious creature and merely behave like one?

I know that I have a consciousness, but I really can't tell if other people have consciousness or just behave like they do. But even so this distinction is just silly and has no value.

Well I'm doubtful about that, but hey perhaps everything in this universe has consciousness.

You have to realize we are just biological machines. We are made of matter and molecules arranged in a certain way. If you could clone yourself by just replicating how your molecules are arranged then your clone would have a consciousness too.

Comment Re:Repeatable as Fuck (Score 1) 209

What do you mean by complex enough? And which laws of physics in this universe apply for that?

There is no specific line that says this creature is conscious and this creature is not. Consciousness is just a world we like to use to describe a state. Just like when a creature on an evolution path from a specific kind to another kind does not have one specific time when the actual change takes place. Let's say we have a simple bacterial life form. Does that have a consciousness? No I think we can agree on that. Let's say we can evolve that creature to be bigger and bigger and more complex until at some point that creature has a brain and a memory and communications skills and has a consciousness. At what point did that creature evolve "consciousness"? There is no specific point when that happened.

Remember I'm not talking about _behaving_ as if you have consciousness. As I already said previously it's "the actual subjective experience itself".

But if there is no difference between behaving as if you have consciousness and actually having consciousness, then how could you tell the difference? You couldn't, so that means that there is actually no difference, if something behaves as having consciousness then that something actually has consciousness.

Someone could make a puppet behave as if it experienced consciousness, does that act of doing so magically generate a new consciousness in the puppet?


Comment Re:Repeatable as Fuck (Score 1) 209

Really? A trivially simple program could do that- have memory and make decisions based on old memories. Are you so sure such a program would experience consciousness?

If it is complex enough yes. For example if you could make a program with as many neural connections as our brain then yes I think you could define it as having a consciousness. In fact I think if we could duplicate our brain in software then that software would have a consciousness.

Comment Re:Repeatable as Fuck (Score 1) 209

To me consciousness is just memory and the ability to make decisions based on old memories. "Couldn't the whole universe work like it does without it existing". Yes sure it could, for simple lifeforms you really don't need consciousness, just look at plants they don't have consciousness and are just programmed with specific reactions to specific circumstances. But for complex lifeforms that need to adapt and survive in complex environments I think consciousness is a necessary trait to have to be able to react to unknown circumstances correctly.

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