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Comment never attribute to malice... (Score 1) 333

... that which is adequately explained by stupidity. You give people too much credit and I'm sure the average joe at USPTO was being judged by how many applications s/he could get through; not get through competently. So, stupid managerial policy? Definitely the culprit.

/I realize there is a lot of assumption in that. Perhaps I'm also being stupid! :)

Comment Re:WebmistressRachel... (Score 1) 123

now, to bring this all in line; Scott Adams should sue to silence the Federation's Dogbert (which 'Mericans have never heard of), which would spurn a cavalcade of 'news' articles, which would bring a UK police rag to prominence, which would have pedants coming out of the woodwork to claim how this was not the Striesand effect.

Good times!

/Yeah, this got a chuckle from me... schadenfreude is the schönste freude!

Comment Re:"Secret" as in "well signposted"? (Score 3, Interesting) 101

my apologies for assuming you knew what I meant by "secret" and "top secret". When information (be it technology, strategy, etc) is deemed to be of a sensitive nature, it is considered classified. And there are levels of classification; Proprietary (usually this has nothing to do with national security, but it's sensitive information for a business. If you knew Apple Computer was going to by company Foo before the public announcement, that would be proprietary information that a competitor would love to know), "Secret" and "Top Secret" (these levels pertaining to national security).

So while a bank's vault is secured, what it contains is not sensitive information (it's money, it's bearer bonds, gold perhaps...). You can know what is in there and it doesn't compromise the nation.

Where-as if you know some specific technical detail about uranium enrichment, you could sell that to another foreign nation, and THAT would compromise national security.

I hope this makes some sense!

Comment Re:No , secret as in "its nuclear , its bad" (Score 1) 101

side note: the baby boomers are not retiring fast enough; the "bathtub" curve of workers for available slots from retirees(since Gen X is ~ half the size of the Baby Boomers) hasn't yet materialized. My take is that due to poor retirement finances, people can't afford to retire!

/I've been waiting for Executive Vice President positions to be handed to me simply due to retirement... I'm still waiting, btw.

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