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Comment Here's my take on it. (Score 4, Insightful) 523

I used to be an avid WoW player. WOTLK was the best expansion they made, hands down. The mechanics were solid (if easily exploitable, at best), the gameplay was reasonably thought out (to an extent), and the environment was pretty engaging (and at least 5% of the population weren't complete morons). When I saw the preview for Cataclysm, with its "challenge" of a +5 level cap, new "features" (YOU CAN NOW FLY IN AZEROTH!), "professions" (let's dig around in the dirt for hours on end!), I stopped playing.

At that point, I realized that Blizzard was headed on a downward spiral pretty quickly, and nothing short of angrying up the blood of Ted Turner and sacrificing a chicken in a non-denominational ceremony would stop this quickly approaching trainwreck from happening. Several of my close friends asked me why I thought it was a bad idea. I told them that I knew it was a bad idea because it was *clearly* a BAD idea. I know them when I see them, and this was no exception. My current roommate convinced me to start playing again, and reluctantly I did. It turned out not to be as bad of a trainwreck as I thought it would be, but it was still pretty bad. Everything had been dumbed down, and repetitively grinding rep, dungeons and more dungeons became the focus of the game. We were also able to actually BUILD a character, and things looked promising enough that Blizzard might actually have the chance to redeem themselves.

Man, was I in for a surprise when MoP came out, which I'm pretty sure a mop is what they used as a template for this particular expansion. This legendary, mythical mop wasn't made of anything fancy, like polished, pressure treated oak, a handle made of Corinthian leather, a titanium reinforced head with gold lief, and appropriate mopping fabric material made from the finest imported silk that one would be proud to caress their nether-regions with after a hard day's work. That one just happened to be the high priced, maximum quality mop that was shown on the Home Shopping Network for just 8 easy payments of $99.95. Clearly, this was too rich for their blood. After rustling up the town drunkard, they gave him a 12 pack of Blatz, a jug of cheap wine, and a 6 pack of Natty Light, and set him to the task of finding a mop of this quality. But really, quality didn't matter, they really just needed a mop, and there weren't any good sales going on that particular year.

Several years later, the drunkard returned with a rake. "I couldn't *hic* remember what you were looking for, but didn't you say something about toilets? I think *hic* this is a plunger."

Swing and a miss, Blizzard. 3 for a valiant effort, though. After obtaining this artifact of non-descript antiquity, the development team went to work. Behind closed doors, they agreed that it was most likely a rake picked up out of a dumpster or maybe someone's toolshed that lived down the street. They weren't sure, but there was no turning back now. Best not to let the public know, they also agreed, lest The Almighty Wrath of Tom Selleck's Moustache rear its head again. One of the leads suggested that since it wasn't a mop, perhaps they could make the offcast drippings of churning a poop vat into a mediocre product that would suffice in temporarily plugging the gaping hole in a quickly sinking ship. But it would need to be concentrated.

What was released with Mists Of Pandaria was percolated fecal matter of the highest caliber. That wasn't even from the bowels of the unsuspecting public. This was from Blizzard's own septic tank, full of late night tacos, half-digested food from Grampy's Greasy Spoon Diner (home of the 1/2lb Grampyburger for 89 cents, cheese is 10 cents extra), and empty ketchup packets that had been chewed up by the family dog and evacuated onto a moderately expensive accent rug that had once decorated the lot of the local carwash for 15+ years.

This was progress. This was the trainwreck that everyone said would never happen. Sweet glory of Jesus this was spectacular.

Instead of actually being able to build a hybrid character, you could only choose to implement one spec at a time. "Talent Tree?" More like, how would you like your eggs, with a side of undulating pustules, or with an ice pick and a cyanide capsule? Yes, I still play it, but only because I don't have to pay for it. I don't think it should come as any surprise they've seen a drop in subscribers, and will probably continue to do so until they drag their head out of the sand.

This is the very reason I control the marketplace of the entire server. It's the only thing left.

Comment Just pointing this out... (Score 1) 355

Statistically, most of the applicants are males, and not really too many attractive looking women of the opposite sex. Going to the mars mission is *probably* not going to get you laid, and you'll probably wind up mating every 7 years or so like the Vulcans. Or just using your hand. Even though I'm not one to point fingers, most of the applicants (men AND women) seem to be a little bit psychologically unstable. Quite frankly, I think I would rather be on a single person mission that results in being locked in a decaying orbit around neptune wherein I only have my own thoughts to drive me over the edge, and headfirst into the gaping void of insanity. That's just my two cents, though.

Comment Re:Good to see things like this. (Score 1) 135

Map the human genome with a parallel database. The only "downtime" would be sequencing, but query times to test for different factors in a particular splice would be relatively short. The downside to this would be the amount of space required to group, and tie together relevant data. Something like this would probably be a start, which I still haven't gotten around to releasing in its entirety yet, given that I don't have much free time nowadays.

Comment Good to see things like this. (Score 2) 135

As a data analyst/software engineer, it makes me glad to see these kind of actual strides are being made to ensure that both data and software will eventually start being designed properly from their inception. To have a single cluster database with anything more than a few thousand entries is nothing short of incompetence, and I believe anyone who does this should be publicly shamed and flogged. When dealing with excessively large amounts of data, it quickly becomes a necessity to have a paralleled database design to ensure that searches aren't hampered by long query times. It genuinely makes me thrilled to see someone else use this kind of design other than me, so when I put out numbers on my end, maybe my results won't seem as fantastical or unbelievable. Even though I don't know you personally, keep up the good work, Todd.

Comment Same process I've been using for about 4 years. (Score 1) 61


NSRL is also a pretty good site to get a comprehensive whitelist from. Best of all, the whitelist database is free, and used for forensic file analysis. The only mildly difficult part is sometimes keeping up with the release of new malware, but that's why I implement several other databases, including one based on API calls in known hostile applications. The really interesting thing with API groups, is that you can identify which piece of new malware most likely belongs to a specific family. So far, I've had no false positives on whitelisted files checked against the API database. ( http://www.tot-ltd.org/API )

Journal Journal: TT Livescan Database Milestone

As of today, TT Livescan's database total approximately 350 million unique definitions, and nearly 17GB in size. In my spare time, I am currently working on a new version with some performance improvements. There is no set release date for the new version, but when that time comes, the announcement will be made.

More information, and other projects can be found at http://www.tot-ltd.org

Comment The most troubling aspect... (Score 1) 228

Is the fact that these competing antimalware companies do not openly publish and/or share detection methods or datasets. This ultimately does little more than give the users a false sense of security no matter which product is being used. What should be done (and what I've been attempting to do for quite some time) is to have a centralized/universal database of definitions, and from there, the real competition would be who, or what company can write the most effective *scanner*, thus benefiting the user, and weeding out ineffective coding practices, half-baked theories and groundless conjecture. To illustrate what I'm referring to, here are the datasets I maintain on a fairly regular basis. Keep in mind that 0-F is not an actual URL, but some of the datasets are defined as single characters, and sorted accordingly.


In the end, sure, there are several million files, but each specific group is only a few hundred bytes in size, which reduces a LOT of overhead and brings individual scantimes to near zero with a halfway decent connection speed. By doing this, a single scan is limited only by your hardware and internet latency.

Comment This shouldn't come as any sort of surprise. (Score 1) 56

Given that it seems about every other year, there's some sort of price fixing scheme that's discovered. Considering the price of LCD/Plasma/Flatscreens have never really come down that much from their original price when they first hit the market, it seems that this kind of news is more of a defacto standard we've come to expect from a capitalist scheme where every company that churns over profits whines about how poor they are. For the record, I'm not really a fan of HP either, considering their business model attempts to lock in consumers with half-assed printers and artifically high priced ink cartridges. As a side note, fining companies that rip off consumers is no way to handle the market in a reasonable, logical manner. If anything, these companies should be forced to pay a class action settlements to anyone who bought their products at artificially high prices. Then again, that might just be rewarding stupidity.

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