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Comment Re: What happened to manliness? (Score 1) 381

"legitimate godhead". Seriously?. No. Linus is very knowledgeable and talented but he's not a "God" with respect to Linux or anything else. Don't confuse designated leadership with god-like abilities. Your mocking is ironic given that, in fact, Linus didn't build Linux on his own. Is often the case in technology a single individual is given all the credit for a team effort.

Comment Re: Talent != Top Schools. (Score 2) 140

Hiring can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be. Complicated interviewing schemes are about company and employees' egos as much as anything else. Agile (as in non-methodology) companies interview the first crop of applicants who have the qualifications and hire the ones who seem competent rather than trying to find the mythical "perfect candidate". The reality is that the quality of a worker is really only known after a few months on the job, so it's pointless to spend a lot of time to try to know the unknowable. Not to mention most developers will be gone in 2 to 3 years so the commitment isn't really long term. Which is also the reason that job qualifications should reflect a company's current or near future needs, not what is planed +5 years or more in the future when the employee has probably move on.

Comment Re:Oh this is funny as hell (Score 1) 402

"Russian Collusion" is primarily a phrase coined in the White House. Since it has no legal basis one cannot be found guilty or innocent of it.
Actually, the media never said the President is about to be impeached, but if all the networks said it, it should be easy to cite a source to prove me wrong..

Comment Re:Open Motorola 68000 series? (Score 3, Informative) 179

I'm not sure how useful this would be today, but clearly the 68000 was far superior to an 8088 (or even an 8086). My guess is that Intel's segmented address approach sucked-up about 20% of developer productivity on the PC. All those crazy memory models would have never existed had IBM chosen the 68000. Not to mention Extended Memory and Expanded Memory.

Comment Re:If iOS is a tiny segment, then why do you care? (Score 3, Insightful) 630

The GP was talking about downloads from one site, not all sites. I don't get what your point is anyway. People don't download Flash as if they are endorsing its quality, they just want to view the content. Likewise the majority of those who in the future download a new browser that supports HTML5 won't be doing it because they think that HTML5 is god's gift either.

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