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Comment role models (Score 1) 584

Role models will be the deciding factor. Having a mother who programs and a father who programs, especially if you include her in your computer time, will be a major help.

Then again, some people just don't like it. My oldest, 19 now, is incredibly good at math (though she doesn't like it) and science but her focus is on the "softer" side of things. She wants to work with animals, zoology type stuff, so not a complete lack of science but not the hard focus engineering puts on it. At the same time she's grown up fixing cars and building things right alongside of me. She enjoys that but it's not her passion.

In the end, the best thing you can do is expose your kids to a wide option of possibilities and teach them to make their own decisions and that if they don't like something after a few years they can change their mind again and try a different path.

Comment Re:There are at least three I know of across the U (Score 1) 187

That wasn't the case with our ferret. She would run all over the place and end up right back at her pen when it was time to sleep (which was most of the time).

Hell house cats are about as tame as they come, right? But cats turn feral after a certain amount of time without a fixed home. Hell I had a cat, since birth, that always ran off at night in Korea but would walk down the street, roof top to roof top, as I walked home from work then sit in the front door waiting for me to come in the house. When we moved to the US, he got one look at "wilderness" and disappeared, to be seen only twice more over the next year. He had clearly turned feral but, from the look of him, was no worse off.

Anecdotal? Sure, but I think we make a lot of assumptions about things that we believe without having any scientific basis to back up our beliefs. I think you'd find, if you dumped a bunch of ferrets in the wild, plenty will find their way home, others will survive just fine in the wild and make new homes, and still others will not survive. Pretty much the way it is in "the real world" already. No matter how much we try, we're not taking the "wild" completely out of any domesticated species as a whole. There will always be individuals that retain their instincts and natural capabilities. Enough to keep the species alive? That probably depends upon the species.

Comment Re:Big woop (Score 1) 170

This is important "news for nerds" because of the fact that this "peer reviewed" article had a such an egregious error in it that should have been easily spotted if, in fact, the paper was ever actually reviewed.

What does this imply for OSS that is "peer reviewed by millions" as we are wont to point out?

Comment Re:yea no - happened in Middle School (Score 0) 320

And that's the difference. The rest of the world considers collaboration to be normal while, for whatever stupid reason, the US thinks collaboration is cheating. I learned far more from fellow students than I ever did from professors.

I never cheated on a test but I most definitely "cheated" by US standards on homework.

Comment Re:Anyone still going to the movies? (Score 1) 357

You obviously don't live in the DC metro area. Of the 20 or 30 theaters I've been to in the area, I think maybe 5 have been even remotely like your descriptions. Most are doing everything they can to improve the experience, including extra wide recliner seats, better (though expensive) food options, better sound, better theater sizing, and a bunch of other "improvements".

Comment Good luck MPAA (Score 1) 357

Since the MPAA doesn't pay the theater employees there's no chance in hell they're going to be able to enforce this any better than they do pre-existing recording technologies. Most people working at movie theaters wouldn't know what google glass is if it slapped them in the face. This is utter nonsense.

Comment Re:Not that hard to defeat (Score 1) 80

The whole problem with the concept is that in most (every one I've been in the last 20+ years in 4 different countries) secured facilities cell phones or any two way communication device, including 2 way pagers, weren't allowed. Many have electronics detectors mounted on the walls that detect RF emitters in the are. I've personally seen people's cell phones destroyed after forgetting to remove them from pockets.

The whole thing has been around for over 40 years and been dealt with appropriately throughout that time. This is not a real issue as it requires physical access to at least one device and a breech in existing protocols beyond that first physical access.

To the person suggesting more shielding, that is an option that is in place but very expensive.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 3, Insightful) 764

It's funny I think that this is the way it should be and it makes me mad that people cry "victim" as much as they do but the reality is that until people stop getting beat up/killed/arrested/harassed just for being gay (as a whole, not individuals who also happen to be assholes) then it does matter when people publicly come out.

The problem is that we non-homosexual folks talk about our lives with our heterosexual partners we're not considered to be "wearing our sexual orientation on our sleeves" but when a gay person does, they are. When society no longer considers discussing your partner in casual conversation as "wearing your orientation on your sleeves" then people won't have press conferences to come out as gay. Until then, get used to it because it's going to happen more and more. Because it should.

Comment No surprise here (Score 1) 392

The writing has been on the wall for several years now. Traditional TV viewing is going to be extinct in the near future. Too many people want to move to mobile devices, have video on demand, and other options. The cable/distribution companies need to get on board or die with the old business model. There are at least a few signs that they're starting to understand that.

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