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Comment The US government has been hijacked (Score 2) 299

From the Declaration of Independence "... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security...."

The Founders did not establish a Democracy, and you will find nowhere in the Declaration of Independence, The US constitution or the Bill of Rights the word "democracy" as they were actually against it for they knew it leads to oligarchy, which we are much closer to today.

Those who might argue the the Declaration fo Independence is not law, they are correct. But what they may fail to understand is its more important and more powerful than law, as it is the spirit and intent of all valid and legitimate law in the US. And any law that violates this is not law any more than you can have a legal contract to murder someone. The job of a US judge is to deal with the exception of law that do not fit the spirit and intent of the founders as expressed in the Declaration of Independence.

The founders in writing the Declaration of Independence fired all government personnel past present and future who violate the spirit and intent of the founders establishing this republic. Once informed of being fired any (people funded) government employee continuing in such position is committing and act of impersonating such an employee and stealing funds from the peoples funding of government.

Yes the government has been hijacked. And the Founders even gave real life examples written in the Declaration of Independence, that the spirit and intent of the founders would not be misconstrued.

The correction is simple, the taxpayers should be given voice where the individual taxes they pay they have say in how those taxes are to be used wile voting is a limited democratic supplement to the Republic in hiring who can best optimize the allocation budgeting of the people in generating team work benefits the people share in (the constraint of teamwork benefits is where taxpayers can chose). By chose the taxpayers can allocate all or some portion of their taxes to "decided by government - as a funding buffer" for which voters also influence the direction of such funding. The tax processors (who may be your neighbors) simple allocate funding as per taxpayers instructions.

Simple solution of putting control of the funding of government bank account in the hands of those it should be in, rather than the employees who have proven they cannot handle the bank account properly, and fail to budget while lying to the people in an illusion of being elected (approx 50% of the qualified voters did not vote this last election, making the "NO VOTE" the actual winner of the election. What ever government wants funding for they have to notify the taxpayers and request it.....meaning they have to be transparent!

The liars, cheats and warmongers who have hijacked the government do not like this solution. The Why should be obvious! These lazy have no real interest in the communication tools technology has provided for there scope of communication does not include the people, but just the few participating in the hijack. IOsolating oneself from the critical public for which you are supposed to work for is very telling of intent.

Comment So its now safe for... (Score 1) 155

all the terrorists to communicate thru......Now all they have to do is convince the spying government terrorist of it... collect datat for a couple years then leak the hell out of it.... Then we won't have a spying problem anymore.

The only way to be safe from leaks on the internet is to not make whatever not accessible on or from the internet.

Comment Much needed (Score 1) 84

This is a good move as it will make possible windows users to find out what life is not only without walls but without windows that only let you see where you want to go (but you can't get there from behind a windows). Linux the great glass cutter. I might even take the course and I've been using linux for quite some time now.

Comment Ex-perts to de right of me, Ex-perts to the left . (Score 1) 294

.... of me and bla bla bla.... Lik'en what de hel I know...?
See thread to know.... https://www.facebook.com/char....
Yep, eben dis dumb hick can see threw dat wall of ex pert tease! T.Rue

Did you know dat too experts who is'a pos'in each utter goes show what da's exprt at?

Go ahead, mod me down..... ain't gonna change de inedible!!!

Abstractionize dat will ya.... http://abstractionphysics.net/ to go

Comment Know where the problem really is (Score 1) 321

Know the source of the problem and call it out for what it is.... the truth will stop the problems.
Otherwise ...... KaBoom Nuclear SHTF!!

Jacob battled god all night and for it was given the name Israel meaning "he who battles god". Islam means "voluntary submission to God". So god sent the Mesopotamian originating nomadic tribe of jacob/israel .. Israelite into the forever battle against the Muslims, invading their land. Christianity believes being saved by sacrificing the savior.

But here is a problem with these three. The devil (alien) being Jesus biological father who was not wed to Mary, could have but didn't stop the torturous death of Jesus and took glory in it and previously tried to get Abrams (Abraham) to kill his own son..

And that is how the world was turned upside down... lying prince of the world. So what is really happening with the three above?

Apparently the so called "god", "Allah", "YHWH" prince wants war, for these three can only play out to be WWIII nuclear.

Hinduism oldest religion in the world is "whatever inclusive" and Buddhism "the awakened one".

Add all this up and what do you get? A house fighting against itself will fall. The house of Humans.

Option B:

Realize its all just a trick.... The result of the trick to get the human species to evolve from a subconscious bicameral state, to an abstract conscious state to finally awake where both are integrated to super-consciousness where we will be introduced to the civilization of the universe as we will fully understand the usefulness and limitations of the tool of abstraction and the big picture goal of expanding universal content. Where things will be done on earth as it is in the heavens. Even telepathy (transmission and reception of energy patterns at the quantum physics level) requires interpretation into the abstract and if you interpret something wrong what will your response be, a kaboom?.

Don't believe this? World protest indicate the people of the planet are seeing past the intentional deceptive misuse of our abstract tools.

Comment Ignorance of the Law is no Excuse (Score 1, Informative) 500

And that applies to the Supreme court as well.

See Declaration of Independence for instructions the Founders wrote for the people in their recognition of the people rights and Duty.
Law enforcement officers that violate the law lose their legal position, fire themselves in doing so..
An intruder can be shot and killed and teh resident can claim they had good reason to believe the people were impersonating an officer(s) of the law.

In other news British Intelligence Advisor; Obama Born In Kenya In 1960; CIA DNA Test

Comment Interesting and relevant to human evolution (Score 1) 54

This is moving in the direction of transition we are currently going through but here science trying to understand it. Where in the process science will mostly just produce supporting research of the merging of our consciousness with our subconscious. Accessing the last link in the article a mention of the iliad caught my attention as I know Julian Jaynes uses the Iliad and the Odyssey to show difference between functioning in a subconscious state and of functioning in a conscious state. As such I updated a wiki page first paragraph to add this in. http://abstractionphysics.net/...

Comment Another collective thinking they have.... (Score 1) 363

...control over the choices of others.

Israel means "to battle god". Islam means "voluntary submission to god the infinite." Christianity mean saving by sacrificing savings. Hinduism means going with the whatever flow, and Buddhism means "the awakened one". So Israel wars against Islam sacrificing Christians all with the help of Hindus while Buddhist are "many" busy practicing to be "one awake" in their slumber. And all the rest help fill in any gaps in what is going to be nuclear WWIII due collectives thinking they must control others.

Suicide???? Islam approved only if you blow up some non-muslims too?
Guess not enough non-muslims going? Besides...
Mars = Mars Already Reaped that Shit. ......red barren planet...

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