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Comment Re:What did these execs expect? (Score 1) 204

Thats all MS has ever done. They have only been "on time" to the party twice and that was with Basic and DOS (and DOS was not even new but the market was). Since then they have relied on using their OS market share to drive everyone else out of the market by giving it away free with Windows - Internet Explorer, anyone. Times have changed and they can't do that anymore. I still remember being told, by MS themselves, in regards to several of their products "It's not the best, but it's free".

Comment Re:Except .... (Score 1) 225

Fine. It shows it went to kinko's. I had to make some copies.

And then to the FedEx processing center, then to the FedEx distribution center, then maybe to another FedEx location, then back to your house a day or two later along with the recipt of the transaction with FedEx. What do you think, someone from Kinko's is going to run it over to your house because it's right down the street? What you did was just raise suspicion on yourself. Making everyone remember you a lot more - "Yeah, I remember him, I wondered why the heck that guy was mailing something to his house that is 2 miles away. No one in the office could figure that out."

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