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Comment Poster's last sentence (Score 1) 315

"Will the public ever sour on [tech gadgets produced in China] in light of the constant media attention on supplier working conditions?"

FTFY, because if we face facts Apple is simply the richest, most high profile company using Chinese manufacturing at this time.

If Apple had it's 1999 or 2000 market cap I'm not sure we'd be hearing squat about this.

Comment Re:A Few Notes on Your Suggestion (Score 4, Informative) 736

Another thing to consider: The world added 80.1M cars to the gasoline leech line last year alone, every one of which was outside the US (PDF documentation).

Face it, we've exported our bad habits to the world, and now we're going to have to compete for resources we've taken for granted for decades.

Comment Teaching logical consequences (Score 1) 326

Barretta quotes aside, this is something that public schools are no longer able to do.

You can't "punish" Johnny for fear of reprisal from a variety of sources, and make no mistake, with the levels of parental non-involvement, Johnny *needs* some reining in.

Now, does the school need to keep $190K of "fees"? No. They need to make an effort to do something visible and positive with that money, preferably involving the students, in their communities. That would be a lesson everyone could get behind.

Comment Where was the angst? (Score 2) 517

Heartland concludes their attributable post with "But honest disagreement should never be used to justify the criminal acts and fraud that occurred in the past 24 hours. As a matter of common decency and journalistic ethics, we ask everyone in the climate change debate to sit back and think about what just happened."

My question to them?

Where was that same call for reasoned response in 2009? (

Comment Blame shifting (Score 1) 406

"It's not that we didn't maintain our infrastructure, or improve it, didn't do cost analysis on expected usage, expect that our heavily subsidized sales would result in an explosion of users, or were incapable to realizing that you would actually believe our marketing.

No, it's because YOU surf to too much."

Right. I have some wonderful retirement property in Death Valley I'll sell ya cheap.

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"You don't go out and kick a mad dog. If you have a mad dog with rabies, you take a gun and shoot him." -- Pat Robertson, TV Evangelist, about Muammar Kadhafy
