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Comment UN Will Never Have Authority (Score 0) 326

Over the Internet. The United States will always exercise its veto power. Not to mention that unless the other countries want to start an alternative DNS service, aren't most of the Root DNS servers located in the United States?

Not to mention that if control of the Internet were handed over to the Untied Nations, the vilest and most despicable regimes imaginable would use that forum to press their agenda and keep their people oppressed AND without one of the most effective means of getting the word out about what is really happening to them. I don't think my country, the United States, always does a fantastic job but one of the fundamentals that is still fought for is the freedom of speech and the want for democracy for those countries currently under oppressive rule.

The UN take over authority for the Internet? Pardon my language but - Fuck That!

Comment Re:kanji tattoos and domain names (Score 0) 116

lol, well then I will send you some love -- Unlike the random clueless who just choose a kanji cause it looks cool, I was learning Japanese and had a reputable English-Japanese dictionary with kanji included. I found the word I wanted and cross-referenced the kanji with other reputable websites.

So, now I have "immortal" inscribed in ink. Correctly, I might add. It is still ... interesting? when people ask "Oh, what does it mean?" I usually say "Does it have to mean something?" which gets me dirty looks and a snide remark :-p

Comment 3D Here To Stay... (Score 4, Informative) 32

I continued reading their answers after I read the above comment, and may go back and read them all, but after reading that statement: "3D is here to stay, and can become a story telling technique, like in Hugo." I really wanted to vomit. 3D is currently nothing more than a way for studios to make an average 25+% more per person coming to the theater by "event charging" for a pair of plastic glasses. I have seen absolutely NO film, including Hugo, in which it was a game-changer or added a significant element to the story telling. If a writer can't get their story across with what is on a 2D screen visually + dialogue + acting ability + emotion then they aren't going to get it across by adding in 3D to the mix.

Tell me another story, please. Oh, better yet, tell me a GOOD story and don't upcharge me for the privilege of you tacking on 3D after the fact or getting to play with 3D cameras. I always opt for the 2D version when I can.

As an aside: Those of us who wear glasses (a growing proportion it seems) and do not have, cannot afford, or cannot wear contact lenses can't really enjoy 3D movies. I have tried watching 3D with both contacts + 3D glasses and glasses + 3D glasses -- they botch sucked.

Comment How Women's Minds Work (Score 3, Funny) 161

I'd enjoy hearing the explanation behind how women's minds work. Seriously. I'm sure most guys out there have experienced the "I think I've finally figured out most of what makes her tick. Now I just need to.. what the fuck?! She just did the opposite of what I.. never mind, I give up."

Oh, wait, this is /. I'm talking about... ;-)

Comment Two words: GREED and CONTROL (Score 1) 216

They want a constant revenue stream that grows larger and larger and larger that they can control. For that monthly fee to really work in the United States, all files available would have to have no DRM on them and we, the People, would want to be able to time-shift, format-shift, stream, media-shift, device shift, and in all other ways manipulate the file that we BOUGHT. Not rented, not have a license for, not paid for by us and controlled by them - BOUGHT. Period. We, the people who paid our hard-earned money for it, owns it.

The MAFIAA doesn't want that. Ever. It removes their ability to "monetize their products" and gives the People too much power.

Comment Re:The Onion Router (Score 1) 216

Well shit. Between "...ban TOR in the United States," and ",I presume you no longer..." as well as between "It seems to me," and the ",that you actually want to..." there should be (Senator, Representative, other politician) listed but it vanished because I used greater than and less than symbols instead. Whoops, sorry about that.

Comment The Onion Router (Score 3, Interesting) 216

TOR, TOR, TOR! The more people who use The Onion Router, the better. There will need to be some brave souls out there to run Exit Nodes as they will be the ones targeted if, or when, accusations begin flying.

If they try to ban TOR in the United States, we _ALL_ simply stand up to our government and say "WHAT?!? I was under the impression the United States government espoused a belief in Freedom and Democracy for all people. Why do you think I run TOR? I do it to support those people who wish to communicate freely and throw off their oppressors! Since you are trying to ban TOR in the United States, , I presume you no longer support the struggles of those people who are being crushed by oppressive regimes? It seems to me, , that you actually want to turn the United States into an oppressive police state where the individual is much less important than a corporation, in violation of the Constitution of these United States. Didn't you swear an oath to uphold and defend said document?"

Never give them a chance to bullshit their way out of it. Hit them hard, hit them fast, and keep hitting them with the "So, you work for the corporations now? You certainly are no longer representing the People." and so on. Hey, if they can use "Think of the children??" then we, the People, can damn well use all of the above to get them to back down.

This is still a free country... right?

Submission + - LightSquared Files Bankruptcy (bloomberg.com)

fallen1 writes: Apparently, there actually was too much interference for LightSqaured to continue operations. In filings with U.S. Bankruptcy court, it was revealed that LightSquared had assets and debts of over $1 billion each. The decision followed a year-long fight with between LightSqaured and GPS users — including some heavyweights like FedEx and UPS.
Apparently Boeing and Alcatel-Lucent are heavily invested but it would be interesting to see what the old Bell Labs could do with the technology.

Comment Yes, it is called AVG Mobilation... (Score 1) 75

and you can find both the free and pro versions of their product here --> http://www.avg.com/ww-en/antivirus-for-android

No, I am not a paid (or unpaid) spokeperson for AVG. I do like their products and the fact the free version works very well on my Android is good enough for me to recommend them.

Comment This should be their "announcement" - (Score 5, Funny) 290

Sony CEO -
"Effective immediately, Sony Industries will be shutting down our Entertainment division until such time as they can be taught never to sue another division of Sony or our customers. Ever. Our Electronics division will now be at the forefront of Sony's drive to become competitive again. We will be looking back to what made us a great company and learning from the mistakes we made from that time until today.

We will be firing anyone with an MBA degree who does not understand that short term profits and suing our customers is not a good business model.

Furthermore, we would like to apologize for fucking over our customer base these past ten years or so. We will be removing all DRM from our products as a way of apologizing and all of our electronics now come with a "Please, hack me!" symbol on them."

Yeah, we can dream - can't we?

Comment There is no COULD hamstring... (Score 4, Insightful) 351

They WILL hamstring themselves. Even with the overall apathetic appearance of a large portion of the United States, if they attempt to kill off the secondary or used game market they will, in effect, be killing the console game market. The only people who can afford to throw $60+ at a game every time they turn around does not constitute the overall gaming market. I would be willing to bet that those people with large enough bank accounts to buy games AT WILL amounts to less than 10% of the overall gaming market. The VAST majority of the gaming market depends on being able to play a game and then turn it in to lessen the cost of the next game, specially when you can run through the majority of the games on the market in under, what? -- 20 hours per game?

Their need for control and their greed will be their undoing. A lot of people say that voting with your dollars doesn't work. I say that it will work when at least 50% of the market rises up against the corporate overlords who are producing this crap. Who want us, the gamers, to continually pay them for the privilege of using their game - not owning OUR game. As these rumors become fact, I hope that each of you who despises this will begin educating those fellow gamers who may not be following the information. Educate them that the cool thing to do is not to buy that uber new shiny, but to reject the new paradigm that the corporations want to foist upon all of us. Actually vote with your dollars this time and not just pay it lip service. All it takes is enough of us protesting in forums, in direct mails to the companies, in e-mails to the companies, and DO NOT BUY ANY NEW CONSOLES. Make it plain and clear, without resorting to cursing and ranting, that you nor anyone in your family or circle of friends will be purchasing any gaming console that removes the rights of the people* to First Sale Doctrine or the ability to trade it in so you can afford to purchase another new game.

Make them understand they will pay for their hubris by us, the gamers, simply saying "No."

* Do NOT, under any circumstance, call yourself a consumer. We should always remind them that even if we act as a group, we are individuals who are much more than just a consumer.

Comment Instant Fail (Score 1, Insightful) 371

Please see subject, because you know it's true. As soon as people realize they can't trade-in games, everything is tied to one PSN account, and games still cost $60+ this game console will fly ... right back to Japan.

Same thing with XBOX - if it comes locked down and games tied to a single account and no used game sales then it will be a very expensive paperweight. A dead albatross weighting them down.

Time for a new game company to step up and create something open or ,rather, more open than the "next gen" consoles appear to be.

Comment My name is Legion (Score 0) 418

I, for one, will be following the (hopefully) masses of gamers who shun any and all games that require a constant online connection to play - even if you want to play the "single player" version. Furthermore, I will be writing each game company (as in real paper and a stamp) explaining to them why I am no longer purchasing any of their products. I will not be using any vitriol or hate-filled speech because I want to get my point across, not just lash out. I will, of course, follow-up my paper letter with an e-mail to multiple departments or persons within that company (sales, marketing, the president/ceo, and so on) - NOT spamming the letter, but making sure it gets to key personnel or is seen by them.

Since this is not my letter to those companies and people, I do have one thing I'd like to say:


Thank you.

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