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Comment LIAR (Score 1) 54

quickly turned to the other side of your mouth to claim that he is the anti-Christ

I'm confident that you know fully well that I've never made this claim; indeed, I recognize BHO's occasional Christian affectations. I forgive you this deliberate, false troll, but want you to understand that I reject it utterly and call you out as a base liar for saying such. I wouldn't go in that heavy that quickly with just anyone; take it as a sign of affection that I know you and serve the response straight up and early.

Comment Re:well.. (Score 1) 56

No, the point is that the we need to argue the point at the proper level of abstraction, a la Goldilocks: not too simple, not too complex.

Biology is the constant.

True enough: 23 chromosome pairs.
Question: have you changed since conceived?

User Journal

Journal Journal: I don't usually respond to A/C, but this is worth exploring 6

When you follow the Judo [ gi, that's funny] Christian God (and it isn't the only God that exhibits this), you are for collective punishment. One of the first stories in the Bible was about how God collectively punished all humanity of all time because of the sins of Adam and Eve, and each individual has to find their way back to good standing w

Comment Re:Which angle are you attacking from this time? (Score 1) 54

What you say is certainly true in an active sense. Your analysis, typically, fails to understand that it's all just passive aggression writ large:

First, cause the crisis, then offer the solution. Nothing goes to waste.
Democrats thrilled at the long-awaited rise of such a charismatic standard-bearer, but their ardor has cooled as even top Democrats find the man aloof, disengaged, and focused on his own leisure rather than on their perceived common cause. Their voter database and field force are now his. Organizing for Action (nee Obama for America) can declare: "All your base are belong to us."
President Obama does not make policy mistakes.

No, but he does know how to spew him some entropy where he was purported to deliver order.

Comment Re:They all worship the same god (Score 1) 56

. . .if you did attempt to read The Communist Manifesto, you completely missed the key point.

I thought that the key point of TCM was: "damn_registrars sports him a fine set of gills; see how trivially he's roped in by a straight up 10th Commandment violation"
State, please, for the record, what YOU thought the key point of that scatalogical extravaganza was.

Comment Very well put; see also cancer-preventing foods (Score 2) 185

Neat post. Conceptually, single-celled organisms can't get "cancer" because, in a way, they are cancer. However, they no doubt can suffer mutations or other genetic changes (like from viruses) that make them survive and reproduce more or less well, all things considered for their current environment. Cancer has to do with a cell deciding not to play nicely with the rest in a body, and to strike out on its own, so to speak. Cancer in general is a bit like a crazy individual or small group in a society trying to take over the whole thing (current US plutocrats?); generally it works out badly for everyone as core services start to fail and the cancer cells are no longer supported by the rest of the body. Cancer is like spammers, who for a quick buck in the short term, are busy destroying email and the rest of the internet that could otherwise bring everyone abundance. Cancer is about "selfishness" where the individual ignores its part to play in the whole and where the whole supports the individual. But since evolution involves variation and selection, the underlying mechanism of cancer via mutation or viral infection also in a sense underlies evolution. So yes, it will always be with us.

I've heard most people in the USA age 40+ years old have cancerous cells in small amounts, but the immune system is continually killing them off to keep them from spreading.

Good nutrition helps with that, like Dr. Joel Fuhrman talks about
"Though most people would prefer to take a pill and continue their eating habits, this will not provide the desired protection. Unrefined plant foods, with their plentiful anti-cancer compounds, must be eaten in abundance to flood the body's tissues with protective substances. Vegetables and fruits protect against all types of cancers if consumed in large enough quantities. Hundreds of scientific studies document this. The most prevalent cancers in our societies are plant-food-deficiency diseases. The benefits of lifestyle changes are proportional to the changes made. As we add more vegetable servings, we increase our phytochemical intake and leave less room in our diets for harmful foods, enhancing cancer protection even further. Let's review some of these research findings and then review what a powerful, anti-cancer diet will look like. ... A typical anti-cancer diet should contain at least 4 fresh fruits daily, at least one large raw green salad, as well as a two other cooked (steamed) vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots and peas, squash or other colorful vegetables. A huge pot of soup laden with vegetables, herbs and beans can be made once a week and conveniently taken for lunch. Raw nuts and seeds are another important, but often overlooked, group of foods with documented health benefits contributing to longevity. ..."

One thing Fuhrman misses in his discussion is that these compounds are not "Anti-cancer" as much as the human body has adapted via evolution to use these compounds to prevent or fight cancer.

He is right that cancer is best prevented rather than treated. As I've heard, it said, you can either get your chemotherapy every day from fruits and vegetables, or you can end up getting it all at once in the oncologist's office (not that most current chemotherapy is probably worth it anyway).

Fasting may also sometimes help prevent cancer as well as can a ketogenic (fat burning) diet that deprives cancer cells of sugar.

But your point stands that this is all combinatorial (statistical, entropical?) about when something gets out of hand. Even when we have Elysium-like medical beds that get rid of cancer instantly, some computer virus or malicious person may make them work incorrectly. Or, as in the movie, selfish elites can keep the healing beds to themselves.

Comment Re:They all worship the same god (Score 1) 56

In other words, your malarkey about the tea party being somehow in pursuit of "fiscal accountability" is malarkey at best. Your party wants only to bring more wealth to their favored class

You make it sound like the Tea Part wrote the Communist Manifesto, or something.

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