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Comment Re:What does IT run on .. (Score 1) 516

But you only ever need ONE COOKIE, and it only needs to be a nice little session ID. Imagine that. If you are sending data back and forth via cookies, you are doing it wrong.

Of course, HTTP allowed us to use a single program to access all kinds of content. Seems with phones, we are going back to the model of writing a client for every thing you want to do. Just that it all uses the same port to do it now.

Comment It already exists (Score 1) 207

But it didn't survive the market well.

It was called WebOS. Some people still cling to it, but it's a dead platform.

Didn't like the way things looked or behaved in any app? It's all CSS and Javascript. Patch it. Patching WebOS was a very nice, elegant, and easy way to customise the phone.

Comment Still don't see how random searches are useful. (Score 1) 226

Maybe as a deterrent, but a random search is as likely to miss someone as it is to catch them. As an analogy, I think I'll only drop 50% of things on my firewall by things trying to get to restricted subnets. Should work just fine, right?

As much as people scream 'PROFILING!!", wouldn't it be better to hire competent screeners who know what suspicious behaviors, bag types, other triggers, etc to look for?

Oh, that doesn't send the money to the contracting company that gave the politician all of those campaign contributions. My bad.

Comment You could quarantine them (Score 1) 238

For dangerous attachment types, you can quarantine them using MimeDefang. Then you provide a link for download after X days (notifying the recipient of the mandatory quarantine time), and a procedure for the helpdesk to pre-release 'known good/expected' documents. While in the quarantine area, you can do whatever you like to it ... scan for viruses, convert to another format, etc.

Comment Tying healthcare to employment (Score 1) 600

... is a big part of the problem.

You want it privatized? Force them to compete. No more employer-provided healthcare to drive up costs for those of us who would rather shop on our own. I don't have employer-provided car insurance, yet the majority of the mileage on my car is from going to and from work. Decouple healthcare from your job. Let us shop for the health insurance that best meets our own needs.

Comment Re:depends on what you're going into (Score 2) 656

Or satellite orbital mechanics. Oddly enough, way back when, I had my AHA!!! moment in how to do 3d computer graphics (it was a hobby, this was in the time of future crew, renaissance, etc) when I took a spaceflight dynamics class. Yup, rotating and translating, to include 3d equations of motion and acceleration for spaceflight are EXACTLY the same thing you do to render the stuff on a computer (except you have to add the perspective, 2d screen and all that).

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