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Submission + - Ubuntu to switch to systemd (

GuerillaRadio writes: Following the decision for Debian to switch to the systemd init system, Ubuntu founder and SABDFL Mark Shuttleworth has posted a blog entry indicating that Ubuntu will now follow in this decision. "Nevertheless, the decision is for systemd, and given that Ubuntu is quite centrally a member of the Debian family, that’s a decision we support. I will ask members of the Ubuntu community to help to implement this decision efficiently, bringing systemd into both Debian and Ubuntu safely and expeditiously."

Submission + - CmdrTaco: Anti-Beta Movement a "Vocal Minority" ( 30

Antipater writes: The furor over Slashdot Beta is loud enough that even outside media has begun to notice. The Washington Post's tech blog The Switch has written a piece on the issue, and the anti-Beta protesters aren't going to be happy about it. The Post questioned Slashdot founder Rob Malda, who believes the protests are the work of only a vocal minority or readers: "It's easy to forget that the vocal population of a community driven site like Slashdot might be the most important group, but they are typically also the smallest class of users." The current caretakers of Slashdot need to balance the needs of all users with their limited engineering resources, Malda argues — noting wryly, "It ain't easy."

Comment Re:Holy god the beta (Score 2) 180

Perhaps they are aiming for a new demographic, who might feel embarrassed by every one else having low user ID's, and who aren't smart enough to understand yyyy-mm-dd date formats?

That's the only thing that makes sense to me. The beta is horrible and as a *LONG* time reader and commenter here, I won't continue visiting if they go live with that horrid beta interface.


Amazon's Double-Helix Acquisition Hints At Gaming Console 116

Nerval's Lobster writes "A more prominent role in video-game development could prove the latest territory on Amazon's 'attempt to conquer' list. Yes, there's already Amazon Game Studios, which produces smaller games such as Air Patriots (a tower-defense title), but that evidently wasn't enough — Amazon has acquired Double Helix, most notably the developer behind Killer Instinct and other big-action games for PCs and consoles. Amazon confirmed the deal to multiple media outlets, suggesting that it would use Double Helix's developers and intellectual property 'as part of our ongoing commitment to build innovative games for customers.' Why would Amazon want to bulk out its game-creation abilities? Rumors have floated for the past couple weeks (hat tip to Gamespot) that the company is hard at work on an Android-based gaming console that will retail for below $300. Over the past year, it's also hired gaming luminaries such as Halo author Eric Nylund, which it probably wouldn't have done without something big — or at least interesting — in the works. Amazon would doubtlessly position such a device (if it actually becomes a reality) as the low-cost alternative to Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PlayStation 4. But even the cheapest console won't sell without some killer games to attract customers — and that's where Double Helix might come in. ... With Nintendo flagging, there's potentially an opening for a third console ecosystem to take hold."

Skinny Puppy Wants Compensation For Music Used in US Interrogations 271

First time accepted submitter time_lords_almanac writes "A Canadian band has sent an invoice to the U.S. Department of Defense after learning that its music was used without permission in 'interrogations' of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The members of Skinny Puppy, who specialize in electronic music, were originally going to make the invoice the cover of their next album until they discovered they could bring legal action against the department. They were also none to happy to learn the purpose their music was being employed for, let alone illegally. The amount of compensation requested? $666,000, of course."

Comment Re:The Problem (Score 1) 332

The difference is that when you "lose" gold it still exists. If your hard drive crashes and you don't have your bitcoin wallet backed up your bitcoins cease to exist.

Actually no, they still exist, you just can't access them without the private key.
In theory, given enough computational power [unlikely] one could manage to find/re-generate the same private key and would thus have access to those bitcoins.
Of course, if anyone ever had that much computation power available to them it would probably make the rest of bitcoin unviable.

So from a practical standpoint the bitcoin are lost, but they still technically exist.

Pedantic I know. Perhaps one could compare it more to that gold being 'lost' by being converted into some other compound [ie. auric chloride]. The gold is unusable as a currency in that form and thus is 'lost' from that standpoint. But, given the technical know how and resources, you could presumably recover the gold from the compound but it would be difficult and expensive.

Comment Re: Hitchhiker's Guide (Score 1) 732

The biggest issue I had with I, Robot was that Asimov intentionally wrote robot stories that did "not" involve scary robots running amok and killing people, but that's exactly the movie they made.

On its own as an action/adventure sci-fi, and not branded as an Asimov story I thing the movie would have been much better received, at least by fans of his stories.

Comment Conflict of Interest (Score 2) 362

FTS: The Debian technical committee has been asked to vote on which init system to use, which could swing in favor of using Upstart due to the Canonical bias present on the committee."

So what are the chances of getting the Canonical-associated board members to recuse themselves from the vote, given the obvious conflict of interest there?

Comment In use now (Score 1) 169

My son is taking Algebra II class in college that is using this method. So far, so good. He says that being able to watch the lecture, then go into class to ask the instructor questions relating to the lecture and the homework is like having a tutor.

I don't know how well it would work for more "not centric" classes, though.

Comment Re:The day human beings become rational ... (Score 1) 1029

I think your parent means thirty minutes since sitting down fifteen minutes before showtime. And I will add that every one of the half-dozen cinemas I have frequented since forever (in both Atlanta and Raleigh) has routinely showed a full 15 minutes of previews after the supposed start time. So having to wait 30 minutes after sit-down sounds about right to me.

And they are that loud. Count yourself lucky, wherever you are.


Transgendered Folks Encountering Document/Database ID Hassles 814

An anonymous reader writes "Most of us hear the equivalent of 'let me bring up your record' several times a week or month when dealing with businesses and government agencies; sometimes there's a problem, but clerks are accustomed to dealing with changes in street address, phone numbers, company affiliation, and even personal names (after marriage). But what about gender? Transgendered folks are encountering embarrassing moments when they have to explain that their gender has changed from 'M' to 'F' or vice versa. While there are many issues involved in discrimination against transgendered individuals, I have to confess that the first thing that came to my mind was the impact on database design and maintenance."

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