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Comment Re:Pointless battles (Score 1) 360

While no doubt the atomicity of rename() will prop up the code of naive programmers, there's a great deal more to the operation in question than just changing the file name. Once again, oversimplifying the solution ensures that subtle bugs remain. As for the comment "relatively safe", that's like saying a 39-story fall from the roof of a 40-story building is "relatively healthy".

And of course, if your world is only POSIX and Windows, then portability is still an unrealized goal.

Every two-bit peachfuzz-face programmer in the open source world thinks he has the solution to lots of long-standing bugs. Being able to read what a spec says and actually understanding how it works in actual implementations. For example, what's the behavior of rename() if the file is actually a symbolic link? Patches or GTFO.

Comment Re:Pointless battles (Score 1) 360

The fix is trivial: simply write the new config file out-of-place, and then replace the original with it once it has been fully written.

You left out, "and do it in a way that avoids race conditions". You must also do it in a way that is portable, so it can't depend on OS-specific crutches, and is secure and doesn't interact badly with locking mechanisms that may be transparently in place on the underlying filesystem (NFS, for example). Programming 101 may teach you some things, but most assuredly if that's all you know, a "trivial" write-new-and-replace implementation will be worse. If you are so 100% sure you know how to avoid all these problems, there's some programmers who troubleshot a similar race-condition error from millions of miles away who might have even more possible failure modes to throw at you.

Comment Re:Pointless battles (Score -1, Flamebait) 360

OK smart boy. The mozilla project is open source. If this bug is so all-fired important to you, get to coding, or because you admit you don't have the skills, hire someone who can code it. Don't go whining "THEY won't fix a bug I care about". This 'bug' isn't going to get fixed simply because the folks who could fix it have far better things to spend time on than working around an arbitrary limitation in a not-too-far-in-the-future legacy 32-bit platform. I would be willing to wager that your assertion that web pages have lots of GIFs any more is false anyway. The PNG and JPG formats have pretty much completely replaced that 80s-era 256-color format.

As a matter of fact, with the introduction of things like infallible malloc, you're likely to see more badly-engineered platforms crashing on crappy web pages.

But again I say, if YOU don't like the bug, then YOU fix it, and submit a patch. If they don't accept your patch, then you can build your own FF from source and patch it however crazy way you want.

And by the way, the wikipedia page on GIF,, doesn't crash FF 3.6.10 running on OS X Snow Leopard in 32-bit mode. As they say in the business, WORKSFORME.


Smallest Manned Electric Plane Flies 131

garymortimer writes "EADs have successfully flown an electrified Cri-Cri aircraft. The Cri-cri (short for cricket) is the smallest twin-engined manned aircraft in the world, designed in the early 1970s by French aeronautical engineer Michel Colomban, the Cri-cri aircraft is the world's smallest twin-engine . At only 4.9 m (16.1 ft) wingspan and 3.9 m (12.8 ft) length, it is a single-seater, making an impression of a dwarf velomobile with wings at close range. After its manned flight trials the airframe will be configured for autonomous flight. Obviously once the pilot is removed payload increases dramatically and the airframe itself has been approved for manned flight so certifying it for UAV flight should be simpler."

Stanford's Authoritative Alternative To Wikipedia 355

eldavojohn writes "For decades, Stanford has been working on a different kind of Wikipedia. It might even be considered closer to a peer-reviewed journal, since you have get submissions past a 120 person group of leading philosophers around the world, not to mention Stanford's administration. It has several layers of approval, but the authoritative model produces high quality content — even if it only amounts to 1,200 articles. Content you can read straight through to find everything pertinent — not hop around following link after link like the regular Wikipedia. You might question the need for this, but one of the originators says, 'Our model is authoritative. [Wikipedia's] model is one an academic isn't going to be attracted to. If you are a young academic, who might spend six months preparing a great article on Thomas Aquinas, you're not going to publish in a place where anyone can come along and change this.' The site has articles covering topics from Quantum Computing to technical luminaries like Kurt Friedrich Gödel and Alan Turing. The principal editor said, 'It's the natural thing to do. I'm surprised no one is doing it for the other disciplines.'"

Comment Never gonna happen (Score 0, Troll) 594

Comparing 3D tv to color is completely missing the problem. The move to color made sense and was a natural progression that mirrored film. The move to 3d is just another to way to get consumers to consider their old equipment obsolete and force them into buying new TVs. Like a lot of the consumer electronic gadgetry out there, the benefits are questionable at best and the upgrade treadmill only benefits the vendors. Now that they've sold digital to everyone and forced the decades-old standard into obsolescence the electronics makers smell blood. What better way to ensure profits than following the personal computer model of convincing everyone that the perfectly good equipment they bought two years ago is now "outdated" and needs replacing.

Anyone remember the 1981 movie "Comin' At Ya!"? Noted at the time for all the action shots of exaggerated movement towards the camera (arrows, knives, boobies), it was nothing but a gimmick. Sounds like almost 30 years later the salespeople are still pushing the same tricks.


What 'IT' Stuff Should We Teach Ninth-Graders? 462

gphilip writes "I have been asked to contribute ideas for the preparation of a textbook for ninth graders (ages circa 14 years) in the subject of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Could you suggest material to include in such a text? More details below." Quite a few details, actually — how would you add to the curriculum plan outlined below?

Making Ubuntu Look Like Windows 7 473

DeviceGuru writes "Although it won't help Linux run Windows-specific software applications, this easy hack produces an Ubuntu desktop that looks and feels a lot like Windows 7. It's particularly suitable for reviving older PCs or laptops on which the main activities will be web-browsing, email, document writing, and streaming music and videos from from the web. The process installs a Windows 7-like GNOME theme on an otherwise standard Ubuntu 10.04 installation, although it might work on other Linux distros with GNOME and appropriate other packages installed. Naturally all this begs the question: why would anybody want to do this? Why indeed!" People have been doing this sort of look-and-feel swap-out for years; it seems best to me as a practical joke.

Comment look out! (Score 1) 531

There was a time, in the early days of "horseless carriages" when the law required that a person on foot carrying a flag precede the presumably scary, steam-huffing monstrosity, to warn the pedestrians and horses that the oncoming fuming and chuffing machine of the devil was approaching.


Throwing Out Software That Works 622

theodp writes "Just as the iPhone rendered circa-2007 smartphones obsolete, points out Marco Arment, the iPad is on the verge of doing the same to circa-2010 netbooks. Should this succeed, cautions Dave Winer, we may be entering an era of deliberate degradation of the user experience and throwing overboard of software that works, for corporate reasons. Already, Winer finds himself having to go to a desktop machine if he wants to view web content that's inaccessible with his iPhone and iPad. 'There was no bottleneck for software in the pre-iPad netbooks,' he writes. 'It matters. What I want is the convenient form factor without the corporate filter. It's way too simplistic to believe that we'll get that, but we had it. That's what I don't like — deliberate devolution.'"
Social Networks

Facebook Launches Location Based Product 130

adeelarshad82 writes "Facebook officially launched its 'Places' location-based product, backed by seeming rivals Foursquare and Gowalla. Facebook had been expected to announce a location service ever since it announced the press conference earlier this week. The Places service officially goes live August 19, although an iPhone app will go live on the August 18. According to Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Places has been in development for several months. It had three goals, he said: helping share where you are in a nice and social way, to see who's around you, and just discover new and cool places to visit in the future."

Scottish Scientists Develop Whisky Biofuel 172

RabbitWho writes "It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase 'one for the road.' Whisky, the spirit that powers the Scottish economy, is being used to develop a new biofuel which could be available at petrol pumps in a few years. This biofuel can be produced from two main by-products of the whisky distilling process – 'pot ale,' the liquid from the copper stills, and 'draff,' the spent grains. Copious quantities of both waste products are produced by the £4bn whisky industry each year, and the scientists say there is real potential for the biofuel, to be available at local garage forecourts alongside traditional fuels. It can be used in conventional cars without adapting their engines. The team also said it could be used to fuel planes and as the basis for chemicals such as acetone, an important solvent."

How Can I Make Testing Software More Stimulating? 396

An anonymous reader writes "I like writing software. In fact, I revel in it. However, one thing has always kept me back from being able to write the best software I possibly can: testing. I consider testing to be the absolute bane of my existence. It is so boring and un-stimulating that I usually skip it entirely, pass the testing off to someone else, or even worse, if I absolutely have to test, I do a very poor job at it. I know I'm not that lazy, as I can spend hours on end writing software, but there's something about testing that makes my mind constantly want to wander off and think about something else. Does anyone have any tips on how I can make non-automated testing a little bit more stimulating so I can at least begin to form a habit of doing so?"

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