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Comment Re:Money for his defense (Score 2, Insightful) 294

So, what you're saying is that Walter White did it right in Breaking Bad when he hired Saul with a rather large retainer.

I'd have to actually turn on a TV to be able to answer that. I'm dimly aware there's some bald guy with a beard on some TV show called 'Breaking Bad' that everyone goes on about on Facebook, and that it has something to do with drugs. But beyond that, I couldn't tell you anything about the show.

You do realize that intentionally ignoring good entertainment doesn't make you some kind of hero, right? Refusing to watch live TV is just fine, lots of people don't like having commercials shoved down their throats. I'm one of those people myself, the only thing I watch live is football and Breaking Bad.

You're missing the second half of that equation though. There are many ways to watch the show without commercials and also whenever you wish, both legal and not legal. You just come off as an idiot putting up a resistance just to make sure they can tell people they are putting up a resistance. You are making your own show, the same way Fox News does it... purposely doing something that will elicit an emotional reaction from others. Shit it even worked on me because I'm responding to you.

It would be one thing if you didn't want to watch it based on violence or glorifying the person enabling the drug users, but you made it specifically about TV. That means you're arguing about commercials or being forced to watch at a certain time I guess.

Comment Re:I hope there's an easy social integration disab (Score 1) 365

Perhaps edit the HOSTS file so that is sent to ? Set and forget solution.

This is a simple solution I've used before in places that just wanted a simple solution like friends houses that wanted to keep their kids off certain sites. Anyone smart enough to get around that can also figure out how to use a proxy server, so unless you want to spend a bunch of time really locking it down, it works for 99% of the time.

Comment Re:Need some explanation here... (Score 2) 338

Over the last eight years and my previous three ISPs, my router has never once received anything other than a 192.168.x.x or a 10.x.x.x IP address from my local ISP. Not once have I received a live & legit IPv4 address. I have to pay a lot more for those. What's the difference between this and CGNAT?

You are thinking of your routers internal address, the one you use to access it from inside your home network to configure and troubleshoot. They are talking about the routers external address, the one the rest of the internet sees.

Comment Re:White paper on EXACTLY what a bitcoin is, pleas (Score 5, Informative) 385

I've looked, didn't find it. I just found some vague mumbo about cryptography with a ton of loaded buzzwords.

I want specifics.

1.) What is a bitcoin, EXACTLY?
2.) How divisible is a single bitcoin?
3.) All the specifics of any relevant protocols.

You looked at what? First result of a google for "bitcoin white paper" is, the white paper originally released by the creator of bitcoin.

Comment Re:Age and rank. (Score 1) 491

PFC at 25?
He may have had other problems with the Army. At 25, he should at least be some kind of sergeant.

He was demoted before being arrested, dropped from Specialist (E-4) to PFC (E-3). He had been having problems with the people he worked with and lost rank because of it.

Comment The Hopper is hilarious (Score 2, Interesting) 138

I seem to be the only person out of my social circle that remembers Tivo getting neutered back in the early 2000's because of features that were less impressive than this. IIRC Tivo was sued by multiple companies because of the 30-second-skip button on their remotes. They eventually had to disable it (you could always re-enable it if you knew what to do) because advertisers wanted their commercials watched, at least in fast forward.

Now we have the hopper just a few years later. It does the same thing the Tivo did, but it's automatic now, and you don't even see the start of the commercial like you did with the Tivo. Only this time it's being marketed by one of the distribution companies, so they'll grease a few advertiser palms and keep going on their merry way. Hooray for our legal system!

Comment Why not just a co-located server? (Score 4, Insightful) 118

This program is supposed to get entrepreneurs and developers access to high speed fiber, I understand that; but why do they have to live there? Not that I'd allow anyone onto my network either way, but if the end result is getting some of these awesome startups on the net with a good connection, I'd be a lot more willing to let them put a server in an out-of-the-way place in my house. I don't ask to set up a bed in my data co-location center, why do they need a bed in these houses? They can even have access to their hardware whenever they want, provided it's supervised and at an appropriate time. Also, my electricity isn't free. I'd sure like some small kind of cut from the profits (assuming they make a profit sometime).

Comment Re:MOD PARENT UP (Score 1) 94

...for pointing out a common error that makes the speaker sound stupid. Is it just me or does anyone else get that "fingernails on a chalkboard" sensation every time you hear a speaker blithely say words that clearly mean the *exact opposite* of what was intended?

Look, for all intensive purposes I could care less. You shouldve noticed how rediculous that argument was so it's a mute point, per say.

Comment Re:Axis of Awsome already figured out the formula. (Score 1) 132

Don't need no computer analysis for that.

Man, as soon as I saw the title of the OP I knew this was going to be posted. The Axis of Awesome is, well, AWESOME; but they are not the first or only band that has done a 4-chords performance. They are the most recognizable group that has performed a 4-chords performance though, and I absolutely adore them.

Here are two other examples, though not very well circulated. The first is from before Axis of Awesome, I found many of the same type of pop-medley mashups a few years ago. Sadly, I forget the search terms I used to find them and it's been a few years since then:

Check video sites for yourself, the basic chord progression has been studied and used for years by pop music writers.

Comment Re:Petition (Score 4, Informative) 540

There is a petition over at asking Blizzard to release an offline mode path. It would be nice if we could reach the 100'000 signatures necessary

Everything from dungeon layout to boss mechanics to loot drops is done on the server. There is no simple "offline patch" that would let you play without an internet connection. They'd basically be rewriting the game from scratch if they did that (which they won't)

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