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Comment Re:Lower cost for H1B ? In your dreams .... (Score 3, Insightful) 341

Minimal is not free ... and please provide a cite supporting your statement that "H-1B workers routinely get paid less than their American counterparts" In my (personal) experience I can truthfully say that I started at a salary comparable to my American peers, got regular raises and talked back a fair bit. (full disclosure ... I came down from the frozen north, not India or Mexico, so my cultural baggage was not typical and it may have influenced the way I was treated, but I never saw my Indian counterparts treated any differently.

Comment Lower cost for H1B ? In your dreams .... (Score 1) 341

Those of you who believe that an H-1B worker is paid less than a domestic worker don't know anything about the requirements of the program. In order to be H-1B eligible a position has to pay at least the prevailing wage for the job title in the region that the job is located. .

add to that the filing costs, legal fees, and costs associated with other compliance requirements and it's MORE expensive to hire H1B workers.

The real difference is that corporations can treat them like crap and and most of them will take it because it's better than what's back home.. Being an H1B worker is a kind of indentured servitude ... quit your job and go home(or get deported) ... get let go and go home (or get deported)

Comment Re:This ruling .... (Score 1) 112

Honestly... I don't believe there is a really good choice ... but the NDP has never thrown historical documents in the dumpster (to the best of my knowledge) and (at least in theory) they are the working man's party ... so if I were voting in a Canadian election and the candidate wasn't obviously a tool I'd vote that way ... otherwise it would be a No Vote ballot..

Comment Net neutrality vs. QoS (Score 1) 337

Net Neutrality is about treating all providers of data equally and has nothing to do with Quality of Service traffic prioritization...

Put another way ... I expect my video stream from Joe Blow Video Streaming should get the same priority on a TimeWarner network as video streams. I expect web pages from to be served up with the same priority as pages from

Net Neutrality is about the source of the traffic ... it's not about the type of traffic ...

I do not expect that my web pages from be served up with the same bandwidth as my video stream from That is a QoS issue based on type of traffic and is legitimate bandwidth management and is outside of the Net Neutrality question.

QoS is about the type of traffic ... it's not about the source of the traffic ...

So either Cisco is spreading FUD or they aren't talking about Net Neutrality.

Comment Re:math? maths? (Score 1) 688

Properly speaking "math" is an abbreviation of mathematics ... a plurality of methods for manipulating numeric values (including addition, subtraction, algebra, calculus, etc.) since mathematics is plural, a plural abbreviation, "maths" is arguably more correct than a singular abbreviation. But that wouldn't be as entertaining as making fun of regional differences in English .... would it ?

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