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Comment Equal Opportunity! (Score 1) 308

Why stop at criminal "background" ? They can use criminal "foreground"! They can recruit people CURRENTLY in prison. Additionally it solves any AWOL problem, as they can have 100% supervision, all the time (24/7)! They can also dispense with the expense of firearms training and having to pick up all that brass!

And what's with all this talk of putting people in positions of power? A cyber-private first-class is no position of power.

Submission + - Lego Chess Set on Kickstarter? (

tmjva writes: Although it may be apparent that anyone can design their own. Someone has come up with an idea to market sets of Lego chess pieces. (Now what Lego may have to say about this I haven't a clue.)

From the top line of a Kickstarter project to produce chess sets made out of Lego(R).

          "Everybody loves LEGO and Chess, so why not combine them? How about a traditional, staunton-inspired chess set made entirely of LEGO!"

Then here is the first part of his background story:

          "When my oldest son was in Kindergarten, he started learning to play chess. We had some cheap sets around that worked, but I got to thinking about how I'd always wanted a nice set. Mind you, I'm not terribly good at the game, but I do enjoy playing. So I began looking at chess sets (nice ones are expensive!) and then thought about making one of my own. I'd always liked the salt-and-pepper sets I'd seen and the nuts-and-bolts sets are really cool (though I'm not really a fix-it kind of guy), but neither was what I really wanted. I thought about what was important to me — my kids — and what that meant."

Submission + - eBay Down ( 1

tmjva writes: Seems eBay is down and a browser search of "eBay down" reveals several news items. One of which is that eBay has been down 10 times this year in an August 12 news item. So is this the 11th? Trusted news source BBC here.

Comment The Webbies Want Your Mind! (Score 1) 108

Infamous reference to Metagaming's game "Olympica" (c) 1977 top back cover subtitle:


From the back cover of the rule book:


OLYMPICA simulates the U.N. Mars raid to capture the Web Mind Generator from a heavily defended area near Nix Olympica's massive caldera. The Webbie revolutionaries are deep in their tunnel complexes surrounded by strong points and infantry. The raiders will use infantry, laser tanks, lifters and the tunnel blasting BOAR drill. If they fail man's future may fall to the telepathic, religion/machine Web Mind of Mars.

OLYMPICA is the clever tactical creation of Lynn Willis. His future history of the Martian revolution of 2206 hinges on the crucial U.N. raid. The game is easy to learn, fast playing, and challenging. Like the other Microgames, it is ideal for beginners and fun for pros. OLYMPICA is the perfect game for those who've never tried science fiction games.

Components for the game include a 24 page rules booklet, play counters, and hex gridded map of the Nix Olympica region."

Comment Write a Job (Score 1) 228

Write a job that re-streams itself?


file is myfile.mygroup.myaccount.

!job repeat,user.account;outclass=,1
!file ftntext=source
!file ftnlist=$stdlist
!file ftnobj=$newpass
!setjcw jcw 0
!run;parm=7;info="include 'spectrum.include'"
!if jcwfatal than
!echo end of compile
!echo errors in compile
!purge oldobj
!link $oldpass,oldobj;rl=rl.local,rl.common,rl.local;xl=xl.common;cap=ia
!purge obj.local
!rename oldobj,object.local
!comment **** do this thing again in 30 minutes ****
!stream myfile.mygroup.myaccout;in=,,30

(The original was in all caps MPE JCL for FORTRAN77 but slashdot forbade the all caps, had to downshift.)

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