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Comment Re:How I see it... (Score 1) 1144

Well said sir.

Where I work literally nobody is laying this at the feet of the Republicans or the House. At the most they think it's "that stupid Congress" and want to vote everybody out; most of them put the blame for the shutdown squarely on the Senate Democrats and Obama.

The House has been more than accommodating. They've sent up several bills with various forms of with--yes, look it up--varying numbers of bi-partisan votes. It's the Senate Democrats who are refusing to compromise, led by Harry "Why Would I Do That?!?" Reid.


Comment Re:Microsoft and Bill Gates (Score 1) 577

While that's a cute meme you're spouting, it's the Democrats and environmentalists who have protested the building of various solar power initiatives in the southwest and managed to stop several:

"Environmental Groups File Formal Protests Over Federal Plan to Expedite Desert Solar Power Projects in 6 Western States" -

"BrightSource’s cancelled projects highlight hurdles for desert solar thermal plants" -

"$2B Mojave Desert solar plant breaks ground" -

That last one that actually got built was by, you know, a Republican....

Just say'in.....perhaps reflexively categorizing "Republicans bad" and "Democrats good" isn't the best way to view the world...

From the High Mountains of Colorado

Comment Re:Obama calls it like he sees it (Score 1) 577

Heh...showing that many here are only interested in cheap shots and not actual discussion, you've missed the mark a bit.

As it turns out the Flat Earth Society has actually fallenfor the Creationism-level AGW theory:

"As it turns out, there is a real Flat Earth Society and its president thinks that anthropogenic climate change is real. In an email to Salon, president Daniel Shenton said that while he “can’t speak for the Society as a whole regarding climate change,” he personally thinks the evidence suggests fossil fuel usage is contributing to global warming."

(more at

Really, if it's such a poor scientific theory that the Flat Earthers agree with you......then maybe there's not quite the "consensus" you think there is....

From the High Mountains of Colroado

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
