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Comment Re:No way (Score 1) 462

Grass-fed and wild-caught animals are carbon-neutral.

The crazy things we do to get more farmland (damming/rerouting rivers/draining swaps) are not, and actually kill entire populations of animals (sorry, salmon). Non-organic crops use fertilizer created by fossil fuels (Haber process); organic crops typically use slash-and-burn. How's that for carbon-neutral?

And let's not even get into the massive subsidies for corn, wheat, and soybeans. These GMO and/or atomic gardening-created concoctions are in just about any processed food sold in the US. No one in history has eaten as much gluten or soybeans in their entire life as the average American eats in a year. But yeah, we need to focus on meat, because THAT'S the problem.

Comment Re:It wasn't but we didn't wanna (Score 1) 462

>> Punishing the "ruling class" for being the ones to run the obscenely wasteful consumerist society that WE demanded, is just envy and buck-passing.

Yeah, and breathing releases carbon dioxide, so you can't be alive AND against global warming! I guess we should just shut up about the holy, sainted ruling class and get back to our TVs. That's working out really well.

Comment Re:It wasn't but we didn't wanna (Score 1) 462

>> Blaming the "ruling class" is just an easy and convenient way to deflect blame away from yourself. Even if we hang them all, this problem will not go away.

Perfect encapsulation of the neoliberal mindset. If YOU as an individual just recycle and get solar panels, you've done all you can. Can the neoliberal approach deal with world-level threats like COVID or climate change? I think we have the answer to that one.

Comment Re: That's nice... (Score 1) 462

>> Literately everything religious people blame on god, was really basic food-safety today.

Yea, so Food Safety sent his Only Begotten Son to get botulism for our sins.

>> I hate to think about how many people were like "god doesn't exist, I'm going to eat this raw pig to spite them"

Why do you hate to think about this? It would be hilarious, if it ever really happened.

Comment Re:Where Is The Peer Reviewed Data (Science?!) (Score 1) 422

>> The seven questions I sent should be the STARTING point for authorities (and journalists, sigh) to use to help folks understand exactly and objectively what is happening, and to help US citizens make the best choices for them and their kids in terms of informed consent with respect to vaccination.

I hate to break it to you, but no one on either side of the vaccination question will be moved by your confused jumble of "easily-answerable", "not answerable for years or decades", and "incoherent" questions. Let's pretend your questions are coherent (as they might be in your head), and we suddenly had all the data you wanted. Can you honestly say it would change a single person's mind? I didn't think so.

What do you think is worse? Allowing hundreds of thousands of people to die and further cripple the economy, or making life a little less convenient for those who recklessly spread the virus? (I know you won't answer that honestly, it might puncture your fifth-grade understanding of "freedom").

The vast majority of American anti-vaxxers don't have any generalized vaccine skepticism, they are holding back because they love Trump, and Trump made it a political issue. If we take away their ability to fly, collect Social Security, renew their passport etc they will grumble, then get the shot. And then we can all get on with the rest of our lives.

Comment Re:Where Is The Peer Reviewed Data (Science?!) (Score 1) 422

>> none of my seven basic questions require "years and decades" of comprehensive study

Some of them do, others are easily answered by even the most cursory Google searches. So what is the point of jamming them all together? No need to answer, we already know.

>> but they should ALREADY BE DOING SO to meet their obligation to US citizen's ability to properly decide on informed consent

Now you've turned this into a legal issue. So you despite the OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that the vaccines are safe and effective, you want to delay even further as the virus spreads and mutates. To what end?

Let me guess, the abstract ideal of "freedom." Which in the real world translates to hundreds of thousands more deaths and permanent illness, and billions of dollars of damage to the economy. No wonder you're trying really hard to hide the motivation behind your questions.

Comment Re:Your math is questionable .... (Score 1, Troll) 422

Let me summarize your post for you:

"Hey y'all, King_TJ here! I know nothing about:

- statistics
- the scientific method
- how they create and test the vaccine
- how they test for COVID and its variants

-but I'm gonna post as if my personal ignorance is everyone's ignorance!"

Bit of life advice for you, courtesy of Mark Twain:

"It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a fool, than to speak and remove all doubts."

Comment Re:Well, he's not wrong. (Score 1) 259

"freedom of speech does not include the right to knowingly spread lies. "

You had a great argument until you pulled this directly out of your ass. Specifically, which law would you say they are violating?

"If you knowingly spread lies, and those lies hurt people, you are personally responsible for that harm"

That's definitely not true either. Fix those two things and you have a great comment.

Facebook is a cancer and it needs to be broken up under anti-trust laws. Unfortunately, the 35-yr-old Heritage Foundation clowns that were nominated to the bench under Uncle Mitch's Judicial Work Study program have already signaled that they won't allow it.

Comment Re:Wireless seems like a great way to cause pain (Score 1) 79

>> My city gives me a choice of which power generators I can subscribe to: a "green" provider and the incumbent traditional utility. Let's hope that trend continues.

Yeah, it works so well in Texas. We have an unaccountable patchwork of providers, power plants, suppliers, etc with zero incentive to "innovate". Hundreds died during the freeze (including my 5-yr-old nephew's classmate).

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