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Comment Re:When was that again? (Score 2) 68

In, the U.S. Postal Service issued colorful dinosaur stamps

That would be in 1989, according to 2 minutes of googlating. Good job, "editors"!

I thought that perhaps the date was so far in the past that the slashcode had some sort of overflow or wraparound error. Something like "Dates before -6000 are invalid". I guess 1989 predates the creation of slashdot?

Comment Time to prepare (Score 2) 87

Reminds me of Pascal's quote of not having the time to write a shorter letter.

As a some-time presenter myself, and having the typical introverted personality (including slow speech due to all the thought processes going on to calculate the right way to say something), I have found that it takes quite a while to prepare a good presentation (non-boring and engaging, let alone one that the audience can learn something from). I would say at least 8 hours for a 40-minute presentation, but that is after some experience already. Longer gives me more time to prepare better.

I have seen quite a few tutorials and presentations where it seems the presenter hasn't spent much time planning the presentation through. First run through gets recorded and uploaded without too much editing either. To the point that I only watch a video to learn something as a last resort.

Other problem is of course in areas with buggy network connectivity, or very basic connectivity like much of the third world, video is all but impossible to use.

Comment Has to be said (Score 1) 447

Researchers sifted through 1,800 research papers on homeopathy and found no reliable report that showed homeopathic remedies had any better results than placebos.

To which the knee-jerk response is: absence of proof is not the same as proof of absence.

Oh wait, wrong topic to trot that argument out on. Please ignore the above ramblings of my mind.

Comment Controversy? (Score 1) 367

Lets assume for the moment that all instances of [insert favourite bandwagon here]phobic yaks and other {GASP} contraventions of political correctness constitute just a small part of the total use of the app. If we concentrate on the major part of its use, what does that leave us with?

Yet Another Knickknack to cause even more attention deficit amongst Young Inexperienced Kids.

Comment Re:Researchers create a 3d printed bandwagon! (Score 1) 61

progress towards CNC-milling a pancreas.

That's interesting. Where I work we're making progress on human transplants of a web-scale ficas using nothing but red staplers crowd funded via a new meta-material crypto currency based on a Bitcoin NoSQL kernel which solves the pressing problem of laser mounted sharks doxing bio-hackers via Twitter's NSA paper trail.

What has /. come to? Where are the Natalie Portman/Soviet Russia/Beowulf memes???

Comment Nightly Builds (Score 1) 516

It seems to me the problem here is the nightly build process, which seems to have even reached the graphics artists. Rather than checking in nothing, which would break the build, he/she/it/they checked in hastily concocted outline stuff. Heck, that music note on the article screenshot is HARDLY recognizable as one. After all, when one does read sheet music, notes are akin to typeset letters, not merely baubles hanging off a washing line by their tails.

Well, this is what I HOPE to be the case, and that something more polished goes into that software, both what one can see on-screen and the stuff behind the scenes....

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The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
